Short on cash-want to be organic!


Well-Known Member
i got some alaskan fish fert today. let u know how it works. and it is very stinky. props to any one that takes a shot


Well-Known Member
I've been using it, and man is that stuff tricky! I've burned my plants a couple of times even with a watering in between and correcting the pH to 6.5. I am not going to use it anymore. I'm going to get some cooked/steamed bone meal tomorrow 6-12-0 it should be kinder to my plants. 4 bucks for like 5 pounds of that stuff.


Well-Known Member
I mixed 1 tblspn with 1 gallon of water and did not get any burn, I think that is half the recommended dose. It is a super concentrate, just 1/2 tablspoon had a big color impact on the water.


Well-Known Member
2High I just gotta tell you, your avatar cracks my shit up. This is the 3rd straight day I've checked this thread and just laughed my ass off. He really looks like an ol' sarge in the heat of battle. haha. peace