short plants and discoloring leafs

this is my first grow and am worried about the height of auto white widow(about 3" but has tons of branching) and discoloring of auto cheese. there are still signs of heat stress but that problem has been fixed for a day and now there is discoloring and curling up at the ends of lower leafs but new growth looks healthy. should i be worrying about the height? and what can i do to fix the cheese?


problem is getting worse on the same leaves but hasnt spread. other plants are showing the starting signs tho. i cant imagine its low on nutes with ffof but maybe nute lock out of salt build up? i am going to water with regular tap water (ph around 8.5) to try to wash salts or buildup out unless i hear otherwise


Well-Known Member
hi firstauto,u need to ph the water to around 6.3 to 6.8......8.5 is waaaayy to high.flush them with the correct ph'd water and see what the plants telling u after a couple of days.if the new growth is ok then your good to go give them 1/4 strength bloom nutes in 3 to 4 weeks and gradually build it up.hope this helps man.peace

EDIT: if its starting on the others then chances r its the ph
i have been giving them water with ph of 6.3 to 6.5 but thought the ph down could cause a build up or make it low with ffof. and my tap water is 8.5 by itself sorry for the mix up. just saw somewhere to flush them with plain water


To me the edges of the leafs are turning up and my understanding is to much heat. However I may be wrong Lol ;)


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about the height. It's usually a genetic thing. Personally, I prefer short tight plants early on, since they usually stretch out during flowering. If for whatever reason you needed to induce stretching, you could either raise the lights or feed it more nitrogen. However, nitrogen can also burn (and kill) your plants and moving the lights to far away can do more harm then good. So that's why I just leave them alone.

When it comes to PH, I only worry about it if I'm using cannabis specific nutrients or specifically, hydroponic-style nutrients like General Hydroponics, Advanced Nutrients, etc. If however you decide to go the organic route (NOT organically derived but designed for hydroponics) meaning: compost, mulch, manure, and meals; then you don't really have to think about PH and your 8.5 ph tap water is just fine. True organics are slow releasing and have natural buffers which limit the possibility of over-fertilization.

Also, I really don't like Fox Farm Ocean Forest for starting seeds. Others might have difference experiences with it, but whenever I use it I notice burning and stunting. Instead, I like to hold off on the Ocean Forest and start with a seed starting mix like Miracle-Gro Seed Starting or Fox Farm Light Warrior. Then after a month when I'm ready to transplant into a larger container then I'll move to a full strength potting medium like Ocean Forest.

Lastly, don't expect the impossible. Autos are short. Usually around 1.5 ft to 2ft. even when grown outside. The trick is to grow a lot of them. And just like the plants at Home Depot or Lowes, some will die or have weird problems. You shouldn't really have to do a lot to an auto since they are so small and flower so quickly. Most common problems with autos is to strong of soil early on, over fertilization, weak lighting, and hot grow rooms.