Short Sativa

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone here had any experience with short strains of sativa? I have a bagseed plant that I flowered at 45 days old topped for 8 shutes at 12" tall. It is now in week 8 of flowering at 24" tall. I pruned 4 of the shutes off in week 4 of flowering once I saw who was dominant and now have 4 huge bud shutes. The buds seem to be very sativa and the pistils are still very blonde with dark foliage. The node spacing is very close (within an inch) and has formed the shutes into 18" long woven sativa buds. I don't have a digital cam so, no pics.
My question is;
how long does one of these sativa mixes take to finish? I want to harvest and put back in veg to gather a clone or 2 before the plant is in too bad of shape.