Short Speech Topic


Well-Known Member
I need a short speech topic for my english class, I'm too stupid right now to come up with one on my own :(. It can be on anything, I just have to give a 1 1/2 page opinionated/informative speech on something. Thanks guys, I'm going to stop wasting time trying to think of something and start my math hw. Good suggestions earn rep! :D


Pickle Queen
How cell phones with social networking has forever changed how young people interact, i giggle when i see a room full of kids all face down texting instead of actualy talking face to face lol


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha... awesome responses everyone.

You should really pick something you feel strongly about personally... it will be so much easier to write a report on something you really are passionate about. (I like Ori's response the best in that sense)


Well-Known Member
How cell phones with social networking has forever changed how young people interact, i giggle when i see a room full of kids all face down texting instead of actualy talking face to face lol
I think this sounds good, I can talk for a few mins about this while everyone in class is ignoring me looking at their phones lol. I'll write it tmw morning, good night all, thanks for the help :D


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha... awesome responses everyone.

You should really pick something you feel strongly about personally... it will be so much easier to write a report on something you really are passionate about. (I like Ori's response the best in that sense)
Unfortunately at this point in my life, I'm not too passionate about anything I am willing to talk to my English class about (that sounds kind of depressing, i should find some meaningful shit in my life. But for now bed)


Well-Known Member
Make sure to improv some ironic references to the crowd if they really are ignoring you and lookin at their phones... you should get mad extra points with a teacher for that...


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately at this point in my life, I'm not too passionate about anything I am willing to talk to my English class about (that sounds kind of depressing, i should find some meaningful shit in my life. But for now bed)
Honestly I'm not surprised to hear that at all... I thought about it after and it occurred to me that most college kids just want to get through it and be done with it... it's too bad that the school systems separates us from our passion like that. I don't see it as a personal fault but more a fault of the judgmental attitudes administered in such settings... I was really speaking idealistically, and would also have chosen a "gentler" topic if I were you. So thumbs up.