Shortryder and Whitey Tighty..Kali Skunk CFL grow...quick question


I have these 3 in a homemade bubbleponic system.....I started the shortryder just over 3 weeks ago (the larger plant), then got a few seeds about a week and a half later from a friend...these are seeds he got from bc, and I have no experience with question may be more general than having to do with the strain though...Will it be ok to flower these all together, even though there is a 2 week gap in growth? Is there any way to catch up the two smaller (one of which is showing some sativa influence) plants, or to slow down the larger? Im using approximately 300W cfls, mostly 6500k, some 5000k, on a 20/4 cycle....Fox farm nutes and thats about it.....Thanks for any input, and pics are from phone, hope they're ok?
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Well-Known Member
just keep them all vegging tie down the larger 1's if possible until your canopy is even then flower if not possible u cld give bud blood to just the younger 1's and the will begin to flower faster then the others giving them a little catch up time