Should free speech apply to those who don't hate Whites?

If immigration policies are turning whites into minorities in Europe & America, that ALONE is a violation of the human right to self determination (among several other human rights violations)

Under international law - genocide does not require violence or murder

In fact the man who invented the term genocide and wrote the law has specifically described what is happening to Whites as a TEXTBOOK example of genocide

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Pro-tip. If your posts are MORE THAN a FEW lines, we probably don't read them.

I don’t know too much about the exact immigration policies in the US, but to me it sounds ridiculous to equate letting people move to certain countries like the US, to try to call immigration in and of itself a human rights violation, that sounds far fetched especially if the immigrants are refugees etc.
Yes it almost sounds like Nazi incel talk…..oh wait, it is Nazi incel talk. Recruitment is slow this time of year so here we are :(.
like the endless amount of footage of you anti-whites on national TV bragging about the "brown future" your policies are creating for Europe & America?

Do i really need to post something everyone already knows as 100% fact?
Who is bragging about anything? You keep saying this but show no links or even give anecdotal evidence. And your definition of genocide is simply just procreation between different ethnicities.
I suppose the fact that most of the world’s population speaks English to some degree says nothing about the actual genocides committed by “white” people.
I don’t know too much about the exact immigration policies in the US, but to me it sounds ridiculous to equate letting people move to certain countries like the US, to try to call immigration in and of itself a human rights violation, that sounds far fetched especially if the immigrants are refugees etc.
He's a racist fascist and is governed by fear and hate, he believes the brown folks are taking over and hoards are crossing the southern border daily. He fears the loss of white supremacy, that is what the histrionics and antidemocratic attitude are all about. He really wants an ethnonational whites only welfare state white apparated and the eventual extermination of visible minorities. If brown people are the problem and a threat, then the next logical step is to get rid of them, but that pesky constitution gets in the way. Ask yourself, what do these people really want, other than minority rule.
Who is bragging about anything? You keep saying this but show no links or even give anecdotal evidence. And your definition of genocide is simply just procreation between different ethnicities.
I suppose the fact that most of the world’s population speaks English to some degree says nothing about the actual genocides committed by “white” people.
“Genocide” in this instance means breaking the dream of supremacy, a cruel awful turrable turrable thing. So much entitlement … gone, man, just gone.

Imagine being forced to only get the recognition afforded the lesser races, he enounced with a faint German accent …
How about an ACTUAL, historical genocide conducted by Russia? One of the least known genocides in history is the Circassian genocide, perpetrated by Russia against the Circassian people. Have you guys ever heard of the Circassian people before? No? That's because Russia hunted them down mercilessly. Russia killed a vast unknown number of these people, up to 1.5 million in two main stages between 1763–1864. The survivors escaped to the Ottoman Empire and from there spread out in a vast diaspora. There are about 3.7 million Circassians living all across Turkey, the Middle East, and elsewhere today.
He's a racist fascist and is governed by fear and hate, he believes the brown folks are taking over and hoards are crossing the southern border daily.

Have you ever considered that the reason people are abandoning your side en-masse is because your entire worldview is a really corny CARTOON? You simply CANT deal in REALITY so you make up your own little cartoon world with your fictional cartoon villains.

Do you think it WORKS?

dalai lama.jpg
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Have you ever considered that the reason your side is moving over to the far right is because your entire worldview is a really corny CARTOON? You simply CANT deal in REALITY so you make up your oppositions view lmaooo

Do you think it WORKS?

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Holy crap!!! I finally get it, it was the meme’s. Thank you for opening my world to the coming end of the white peoples. Where do I sign up to support the cause?