they's called the final solution ...nut bag
umm your not white.....
I’m choosing to Nazi this one’s cookie-cutter hatred any longer.
You just gonna keep crying in here huh? @cannabineer asked for a source and you said tv lol. Get the fuck off the internet and go touch some grass ya donkey. Quit crying. Noone here gives a shit about your thoughts. Can't even post a legit source to your claim. I'm gonna go ahead and nickname you Fucked in the headyes but according to YOU - the holocaust could be justified with DNA tests
OH WAIT - the bankers/corporations have brainwashed you to hate WHITE people - not JEWISH people
so you will only make EXCUSE after EXCUSE after EXCUSE after EXCUSE after EXCUSE to force WHITE kids into global genocide
You just gonna keep crying in here huh? @cannabineer asked for a source and you said tv lol. Get the fuck off the internet and go touch some grass ya donkey. Quit crying. Noone here gives a shit about your thoughts. Can't even post a legit source to your claim. I'm gonna go ahead and nickname you Fucked in the head
No.. you just spend too much time in your white power rage forums. Noone here gives a shit. You're pathetic to everyone in here.Is this when you tell us that "race doesn't matter to me" as you throw a tantrum that i am ripping apart your disgustingly pathetic anti-white worldview?
What claim did i make that requires a source?
That you anti-whites have openly bragged on national TV for DECADES that your policies are turning Europe & America non-White? (genocide as defined by law)
Unless you just woke up out of a 40 year coma - YOU ALREADY KNOW ITS TRUE - no reason to start digging up sources on what EVERYONE ALREADY KNOWS
It's because you're a juggalo.. jk. Sorry manBeing poor white trash l don't see the privilege of being white.
Don't genocide yourself hombre. Tomorrow might be a better day!But just for the sake of it - i will post the law on genocide - and the quote from the man who coined the term genocide and wrote the law - showing that what you anti-whites are doing is UNDOUBTEDLY GENOCIDE as defined by law.
Another incel victim thread, oh boy.
You are correct, love your wall of shame btw! Bat rastards all of them!It's because you're a juggalo.. jk. Sorry man
Thread starter is probably stalking a teenager to rape so he can have a child.
No.. you just spend too much time in your white power rage forums.