Should free speech apply to those who don't hate Whites?

actually, biology states that we are all one species: H. sap sapiens.

It doesn’t matter if your last name is Smythe or Malacanang or !kwi.

“Race” is a social construct based on the falsehood that how we look informs biology.
In fact, “race” matters only to racists, as you demonstrate.
I beg to differ
Obviously Neanderthals are among us
The only way to WIN is to let white genocide continue? ERRR WHAT?

I know that SESAME STREET says that race is a social construct, but im an adult that understands biology

2 black parents dont ACCIDENTALLY make a black child
2 white parents don't ACCIDENTALLY make a white child

RACE IS VERY REAL - its not an ACCIDENT like you claim

Would the Cherokee consider themselves the same race as the Seminoles? The Jews were Aryan?

And why are you yelling? It's literary Tourettes.

There is no pure race here. That's the beauty of it all. We have been schwinging with each other from the beginning. Visit Creola sometime, word has it even the Vikings came up through that bay.

Race only matters to someone with dubious intent.
Would the Cherokee consider themselves the same race as the Seminoles? The Jews were Aryan?

Race only matters to someone with dubious intent.

Clearly you believe the "social construct" justification for genocide would have worked for Saddam Hussein's genocide tribunal...

if not, then your point is meaningless

I am glad these people are so vocal. We all need a reminder of the kind of evil that is on the rise today.

Unclebaldrick would tell us that he is NOT an Anti-White psychopath with severe double standards

so obviously he believes the Dalai Lama is "hateful" and "evil"....... right?

of course not, UNCLE is clearly an ANTI-WHITE that has been brainwashed beyond cognition
dalai lama.jpg
“Race” is a social construct based on the falsehood that how we look informs biology.
In fact, “race” matters only to racists, as you demonstrate.

I guess you need a biology lesson so here we go

there are SPECIES - then there are SUBSPECIES
SUBSPECIES are also called RACES or BREEDS or.... STRAINS

Charles Darwin often referred to RACES of plants - such as "the several RACES of cabbage".

Your brainwashers decided that the concept of RACE destroys MARXISM - so marxist SOCIOLOGISTS started silly anti-science slogans such as "race is a social construct"

No credible biologist believes that SPECIES, GENUS, SUBSPECIES (aka RACE) is a social construct. It's childish silliness that comes from MARXISTS not SCIENTISTS
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To clarify just how silly childish and juvenile the slogan "race is a social construct" actually is - in a way that even the dumbest "anti-racist" can understand

Suppose you ordered seeds of this new cannabis thats 40% THC and yields a pound in a month.

Charles Darwin would call it a "race of cannabis" just as he referred to "races of cabbage"

Now imagine if the vendor feels the same way you do about SUBSPECIES/STRAINS/RACE and that it's all a social construct that doesn't matter

So he sends u just random bagseed instead
You can always tell the uncultured sheltered self hating Whites
They are the ones that scream that white people who don't hate themselves must hate all the non-Whites

These kinda self hating whites think that if they pathologically lie & demonize their family, kids, ancestors, race - that eventually they'll meet a brown person that will like & respect them

but the fact is - NOBODY LIKES A TRAITOR

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  • Butter two 9-inch diameter by 1 1/2-inch deep layer pans or 1 (13 by 9 by 2-inch) pan.
  • Lined bottoms with parchment or waxed paper.
  • Set a rack at the middle level of the oven and preheat to 350 degrees.
  • In a large mixing bowl, beat butter and sugar for about 5 minutes, until light and fluffy.
  • Stir together flour, baking powder and salt.
  • Set aside.
  • Combine egg whites, milk and vanilla extract.
  • Add 1/3 of the flour mixture to butter mixture then add half the milk mixture.
  • Continue to alternate beginning and ending with flour mixture.
  • Scrape bowl and beater often.
  • Pour batter into prepared pan (s) and smooth top with a metal spatula.
  • Bake cake (s) about 25 to 30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center emerges clean.
  • Cool in pan on a rack for 5 minutes, then turn out onto a rack, remove paper and let cool completely.