Active Member
how do i post a new thread????....i have looked all over this website and cant seem to find out how to do so. Cause one of my plants got eaten by a damn squirrel at the very top and pretty much topped it. it has been 3 weeks and it hasn't grown any taller and the hairs on the buds at the top of the plant are brown, but all the buds lower than that have white with some of them barely redish brownish. the only buds that seem to be growing fast now are the ones towards the bottom. Does this mean the buds at the top are already mature? Also this plant's buds are not dense AT ALL, how do i fix this?? One other problem with the same plant is i over fertilized it cause i used shitty soil that doesn't drain very well so the fertilizer built up and struck the plant. How do i fix this, in a very cheap way that is, lol. My other plant is doing way better then this one cause it hasn't been eaten and it has dank soil. CAn anyone help me please!!!