Should I be able to tell males yet? Southern lower Penninsula.

MI Bluntsmoker

Active Member
I have three plants I adopted early this summer, probably early July or so. I transplanted from 1 pot to 3 pots right away. They were between 14 and 18 inches tall. Now the biggest is in 5 gallon bucket and is like 4 feet across and over 6 high with like 12 colas and a stem the size of a night stick that turns purple near the deep green leaves. Just a beauty of a female with definate budsites and classic growth.
The next is over six feet with like four main lanky branches, fimmed and subsequently supercropped at like 3 feet. It has growths that are either underdeveloped calyxes or new leaf sites. I have figured it for a male because of its looks, but I feel a male should have some balls by now.
The 3rd is about 4 feet tall and stocky with supercropped stems, fimmed "to the moon." It has had a nutrient problem which it is now over. It used to be yellowish, now it is colored like the big female with growth more like the other unsexed plant. Once again I feel a male should show by now since they are the same age; to my knowledge, as the female. I will try to post some pics.

Don't males tend to show sex faster, and the chances are what, like 12% that they are all females right?

Once again, Imma try and borrow a camera for some pics.


Well-Known Member
Males tend to show sex first, but I won't be any help to you. I'm too nervous about sexing plants. I ask the guys here just to be safe.

MI Bluntsmoker

Active Member
0823101718.jpg0825101354.jpgThese are pictures of the deffinate female, sorry for the sidewaysness. Look at the size of the stem on that thing too!

0823101718a.jpgThis is the short one. I now have seen pistals and calyxes on her!

0823101718b.jpgThis is the tall lanky one, which is still undecided. Im leaning more and more towards the possibility of it being a girl.

MI Bluntsmoker

Active Member
May help to have a look at my link below.
I just looked at your thread last night. I know I dont see balls yet. But im just not seeing what I would forsure call pistals yet either. How long after pollen sacs are visable would you say you have to get the males out before they burst?:confused: