Should I be topping these already?


Well-Known Member
Ive been looking at alot of other pictures of plants and they have been topped long before they are the size of these. Should I get to topping? Im in roughly a 3x3 room thats almost 5 feet tall. I have a screen set up about 9" above the pots. Ive read quite a bit on topping but it seems to be a "users choice" type thing. Some top at 3 nodes so top at 5 ect. Should I just take new growth at the very top or should i cut them back at the 3rd? I just repotted to these 3gallon air pots on thursday. Should I wait so I dont over stress them?


Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
are those clones, look like it? since you're doing a scrog, i wouldn't top, no need. topping slows things down a bit, and doing a scrog already adds time to the whole thing.


Active Member
Was extremely double glob dabbed are the pots? Have u been running them?

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Well-Known Member
just started running them (first grow). Turned onto them by a guy on here. Kinda sucks when your first filling them and trying to give it the first water. It wants to run out of every hole till they are packed with medium. Massive amounts of drainage though.