Should I be worried about bud rot yet?


Active Member
Been a light rain all this afternoon overcast now. Temp is 60F with a low of 49F - dew point is 52F. Humidity is 75% and wind gusts are at 10-14MPH.

It never really pours down out here but I'm starting to freak a bit about bud rot. I need some seasoned growers' opinions.

I see a few options:
cover them
power a fan out there to blow off the water
chop them 2 weeks early some are 4 weeks out

Someone suggested harvesting 1/2 my crop in case bud rot takes out the rest. Problem is, if I do, I have all cloudy tirchomes not much amber and I'm a pain patient. I need this amber for the pain. The weed here sucks for me because it's all cloudy.

I really don't want to lose THIS...



Well-Known Member
light rain probably wont be an issue. i had to chop two of my prants early because we had two weeks of rain and they got moldy. they look like they are in a sunny open area so unless you start to see mold i would just keep doing what you're doing!

Gorgeous plants dude! +rep

California Buds

Well-Known Member
This is only my first year with outdoors but what I've done after it rains is go out and set up some fans on them while shaking them off.

My girls have been through quite some heavy rains and are still doing fine :)

I recently bought a 20'x10' carport from Walmart online with a 1 day shipping for only $120.
Seems to be working like a charm so far.

Good luck, I hope everything turns out well.


Well-Known Member
I just had 4 days of rain and mine look fine.... had some really good wind. that helps alot!!! enjoy those 10mph gusts!!! just keep a close eye for any mold and you will be fine.

BTW... Great looking plants!!!


Active Member
guess i got paranoid early

storm's passed and they are looking good - the humidity dropped to the 30's good wind to dry them but no damage - thanks everyone you can check my grow journal for new macros i took last night


I wouldn't worry about it. Bud rot starts to take hold after about a week of shitty cloudy, wet weather and even then in some of those cases it is not apparent.


Well-Known Member
Hah - I open this thread expecting to find some typical wimpy, malnourished lookin' shwag plants.

Turns out this guy's growing trees. Nice plants lungz.

someone else

Active Member
I agree, one little storm won't ruin things.

I'd go out (if possible) to the plants and shake them off, but that's about all you can do if you don't cover them.

Here's a really cheap wind/rain/sun screen that Walmart sells (online only) for $35 and it's only 97 cents to ship now, anywhere in the U.S.:

73 people have reviewed it, and it has 4 and 1/2 stars out of 5.

It's 10'x10' and tan.

Here's another one:

111 reviewed, 4 and 1/2 stars out of 5 stars rating.
It's more like a screened in tent.
10'x10' and tan.


Active Member
I agree, one little storm won't ruin things.

I'd go out (if possible) to the plants and shake them off, but that's about all you can do if you don't cover them.

Here's a really cheap wind/rain/sun screen that Walmart sells (online only) for $35 and it's only 97 cents to ship now, anywhere in the U.S.:

73 people have reviewed it, and it has 4 and 1/2 stars out of 5.

It's 10'x10' and tan.

Here's another one:

111 reviewed, 4 and 1/2 stars out of 5 stars rating.
It's more like a screened in tent.
10'x10' and tan.
+REP for the link - we survived just fine and knock on wood, we should be able to finish at our leisure - HOPEFULLY


Active Member
Hah - I open this thread expecting to find some typical wimpy, malnourished lookin' shwag plants.

Turns out this guy's growing trees. Nice plants lungz.
haha thanks here are some pics of those trees, just a lot closer up...

