should i be worried about helicopters?!


Well-Known Member
i only worry when they land in my yard, by then its too
late to do anything else anyway.:-|



Well-Known Member
I'm more concerned about the day they come out with these new smart meters. They already have them, but they're not in widespread use yet. They'll be able to see that at exactly 12:00 pm the electricity takes a huge spike upward and at exactly midnight on the minute, it drastically drops every day.( or whatever your schedule is) That will be troublesome.


just found this from another post: Not my words but I've heard this before and I think it's true.

BTW, for U.S. people, the federales cannot use thermal imaging on you unless they already have a warrant for other reasons. The Supreme Court has already ruled that thermal imaging constitutes a search, and you can't search someone's home without a warrant. So they CAN thermally image you, but they need a reason to get a warrant first.
As true as this sucks to say but it means literally nothing in terms of police and federales using them constantly to bust grow houses under manufactured premise


Active Member
in the uk ,i have seen the helicopters detect NOT the heat from the grow lights ,but the heat from the fans blowing the stench out from the unusual places growers put there vents ,