Should I be worried and call USPS?


Well-Known Member
I placed a order with and last monday I received a order confirmation and tracking #. It showed it passed through customs and went to a sorting facility in Bethpage, NY. It then shows it left on the 9th and that's the last info on it and it's saturday and still no sign of it. I chose the stealth shipping option and live on the texas gulf coast. It says first class international and I figured once in the states and through customs first class should only take a couple days. Should I call usps on monday and try to locate it? Thanks for any help
Sit tight, Bethpage sort facility, is a long way from Texarkanna. Probably by Friday.
im down here in Texas and if they dont come through which i pray not i ordered from attitude and got crazy fast shipping super stealthy just this month so good luck
Just can have the package in your lap and the tracking still say it hasn't arrived or left the last
Wait. Packages only get scanned when they pass through a sorting facility. The next scan will be when it passes through your post office and is out for delivery.
I guess I'll wait till next friday then to call usps since that seems to be the consensus(except for one guy but I think he was messing with me). So it dosen't sound crazy that 5 days after leaving NY that they aren't here yet? Thanks for the input guys
Damn I meant to post a week ago when I got them but I've been sooo stoned I haven't made it to a computer
. I was on my ps3 but for some reason it wouldn't let me post it kept deleting my messages. My order arrived on monday last week and everything was perfect
yay.gif rocks!!!
I had a order that tracked to NY and stayed there a week. A day before the beans arrived I got the tracking that it was out of NY. So the tracking is behind the mail quite often.

With the usps the way it is, this will only get worse.
yu wont get no U.S. tracking past NY,thier on thier way,jus be thankful its in NY.waiting on my order to,,my 20th order in 5 yrs.