should i be worried?


Active Member
or it could be lack of watter your soil looks very dry but it could be just time to watter... hay u must be a noob like me... we should keep in tuch and help echor... im doing 2 soil and 2 hydro.... lets see what we can do....I LOVE WEED>>
how far away is your light... hps i see what is the watts... but any thing i have read is heat strees causes leaf curling... just what i have found out...


Well-Known Member
heat/humidity/ph/nutes/stress thers heaps of things that can make your leaves curl. it looks like thats heat stress how far away is that HPS ? also give us some details like how often u water ? have u feed the plant yet ? if so how much ? whats the heat in the grow room and humidity ?
i agree,could be heat,looks like you could use some nutes,red stems mean a nutrient deficiency.
don`t go crazy though. ph ok?


Active Member
Red/purple stems means temperature too high/low. drastic temp swings will cause red/perple stems. not deficiency.


thanks for all the quick replys. first time indoor grow. 33 clones in coco the fine stuff[thats why it looks dry, its not right underneth]. four 1000 hps lights that are about two feet away. i havent got my watering tottaly down yet but right now im doing every 2 to 3 days. useing gh ferts. ph is at 5.8 in my ppm/nutes is at 180. temps are between 65 to 80.humitity is in the 50s


Well-Known Member
rofl im not pro man i run a 250 hps and that puts out alot of heat and u said u have 4 1000Watt lol ? id say its deffiently a heat issue even if it is 2feet away thats a strong light for those small plants


Well-Known Member
You could get them all growing fine with just 1 of those lights ,,,,then as they get bigger start turning the others on.....btw the lights aren't all lined up next to each other are they..?

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
I concur heat and WATER, ALL plants leaves curl inward with too little water and most plants curl outward with too much water.


looks like slat. useing gh grow mico bloom conpost tea. ph 5.8 ppm180 water temp67. is there anything i can do or is it normal. i did spray some powder mold spray on them. it called safer could it be over spray? can see it only on two plants mostly, and on the drain holes on bottoms. is it just the nutes? other pictures are my plants at different times dates on pictures. its one corner, same plants in all 3 pics.

