ok, the WhiteWidow closest to harvest got flushed last night.
She only has 6 days left to finish and her trichs doubled overnight...started getting cloudy too.
This one has lost all fan leaves as of yesterday.
They all got brown, crispy and wilted a few days after my CalMag feeding....(like I said...I might have overdone it)
I removed as much dead leaf as possible without handling the buds a lot...still some dead matter hanging on.
is that ok? I'm probably going to shove a nail through the base of the stalk in a few days and give her 36-48 hours of dark right before harvest.
Is everyone SURE that this dying, browning, wilting leaf thing was most likely caused by me not using the CalMag correctly?
because I have another lady next to her that had the same wilting...but only on one or two leaves.... I flushed that one too.
Should I go in with scissors and really make sure I get all the dead leaves? or will they just fall off in a few days?