Should I be worried?


I saw people saying it might be from heat and water while this might be true I doubt it here is why since my plants are in the exact stage yours are in
I doubt it is heat stress. I did have my 2 cfl bulbs a little too close once, but corrected that. If anything, now, my sprouts probably need MORE light. Heat burn is different than light burn though right?
Ands I doubt it's over watering too because I'm definitely not over watering my sprouts. Not in coco in a bag when I'm just sprinkling them.. so yeah mine did that too


Well-Known Member
These are living things, as such you shouldn't expect perfect symmetry. From time to time you will see an odd leaf, specially young leaves as they aren't hardened yet. When you see repeating patterns or specially any kind of yellowing or necrosis, then worry.
Ill add that leaf deformation is common. A lot of indica genetics will have some gnarly looking leaves. Most every plant that Ive had mutated first leaves turned out to be a good plant.


Well-Known Member
I saw people saying it might be from heat and water while this might be true I doubt it here is why since my plants are in the exact stage yours are in
I doubt it is heat stress. I did have my 2 cfl bulbs a little too close once, but corrected that. If anything, now, my sprouts probably need MORE light. Heat burn is different than light burn though right?
Ands I doubt it's over watering too because I'm definitely not over watering my sprouts. Not in coco in a bag when I'm just sprinkling them.. so yeah mine did that too
I doubt it is heat to. Heat will make the leaves roll like a canoe or taco.

The plant in question is fine. Just a little genetic abnormality.