Should I break off the Seed?


Active Member
Hey guys

I really need you're help on this one. I have a plant which sprouted on March 31st 2009 , It looked like it was growing well, oh BTW its by a window , anyways It hasn't grown too much over the last couple of days and the leaves haven't begun it looks as if the seed is still attached to the stem and its about the size of my ring finer. Should I manually removed the seed shell? Or move it outdoors now to get more light?

Thanks ALOT:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yea i agree wit wake, i gently pick all of mine off. When you do, if the leafs are still white like the stem cover wit a lil soil untill it adjusts to the light. I'm pretty sure this speeds up the seeding time, but not by much.


Active Member
Thanks guys , I put on some purel and then just picked the shell off and I can actually see 2 small green leaves.

Thanks again, :joint::shock: