Should I buy a vaporizer?

I’m sorry I misunderstood. What did you mean when you said “Got two dry herb vapes ......... 25% the effect of 50/50 tobacco/cannabis smokes (for the same amount of cannabis in both) IMHO.”?
100% cannabis in my Dry herb vapes produce less effect in me than smoking that same amount of cannabis with an equal amount of tobacco in a cigarette. As cigarettes are only a dollar a pack, might as well pick em apart and rebuild.
100% cannabis in my Dry herb vapes produce less effect in me than smoking that same amount of cannabis with an equal amount of tobacco in a cigarette. As cigarettes are only a dollar a pack, might as well pick em apart and rebuild.
That’s because you aren’t comparing similar things. When you mix in tobacco the nicotine adds to the high. On top of that, if you are using tobacco from cigarettes, you are also including the other chemicals they add to them to cause the drug to freebase into you cell membranes at a faster rate. If you haven’t heard of this then Google “freebase cigarettes” and you’ll find a lot of info that I have a hard time putting into words. People who make their own and vape nicotine e-liquids have started using nicotine salts for the same effect, too.
The popcorn lung news is old news and was always nothing more than a scare tactic to push people away from vaping and back to cigarettes. Even though diacetyl was found in small quantities, in some of the custard flavored e-juice, nobody who vaped it was ever diagnosed with popcorn lung. That said; the type of vaporizer being asked about doesn’t even use e-liquid. They are asking about dry herb vaporizers which do nothing more than heat the flower enough to vaporize the weed without combustion. Herb vaporizers are a lot healthier than smoking.
What so its not true?? it does not cause popcorn lungs?
That’s because you aren’t comparing similar things. When you mix in tobacco the nicotine adds to the high. On top of that, if you are using tobacco from cigarettes, you are also including the other chemicals they add to them to cause the drug to freebase into you cell membranes at a faster rate. If you haven’t heard of this then Google “freebase cigarettes” and you’ll find a lot of info that I have a hard time putting into words. People who make their own and vape nicotine e-liquids have started using nicotine salts for the same effect, too.

It's even better if you stroke Opium tar into the skin before smoking.
Those studies were from bunk ejuice's and not very indepth nor are there many studies. The "popcorn lung" was from diacetyl(the stuff they put in buttered popcorn, hence where the term came from) and any reputable ejuice maker doesn't use that.

Anyways, we are talking dry herb vaporizers not liquid like I think you meant. Good points though ^^
Wow realy non of those study were made from dry herb cannibis vaporizer? just e jiuce and nicotine vaporizer?
100% cannabis in my Dry herb vapes produce less effect in me than smoking that same amount of cannabis with an equal amount of tobacco in a cigarette. As cigarettes are only a dollar a pack, might as well pick em apart and rebuild.
cigaratte not good for you, Il stick just cannibis if I were you.
What so its not true?? it does not cause popcorn lungs?
While diacetyl was found in very small quantities in some flavors, and that chemical was known to cause “popcorn lung” in people who worked full time in factories that produced microwave popcorn, there was never any cases of people getting “popcorn lung” from vaping. When it comes to vaping liquids I would be far more concerned about the more recent issue that was caused by Vitamin E Acetate being used as a thickening agent in THC carts.
While diacetyl was found in very small quantities in some flavors, and that chemical was known to cause “popcorn lung” in people who worked full time in factories that produced microwave popcorn, there was never any cases of people getting “popcorn lung” from vaping. When it comes to vaping liquids I would be far more concerned about the more recent issue that was caused by Vitamin E Acetate being used as a thickening agent in THC carts.
what!?! nvm il stick with bong and joints :lol:
what!?! nvm il stick with bong and joints :lol:
There was a recent issue in the US where black market THC vape cartridges had Vitamin E Acetate added to them and it caused a lot of people to quickly develop lung issues...and caused some people to die. That said...none of the vaping issues you read about apply to dry herb vaping. Dry herb vaping is more like smoking but without the smoke or the bad things that come with the smoke. If you haven’t tried it then you should. It’s better for you and the flavor just can’t be beat. I can’t stand smoking weed anymore because joints, bowls, bongs, etc all taste like an ashtray to me now. When you vape you can actually taste the flower and all the terpines.
no dont get vaporizer ,get a bong or organic wild natural, pure rolling papers with filters. Study have shown recently that vaporizer is actualy worst methot. it causes popcorn lungs, the vaporizer is made of chemical inside. Than smoking joints that is if the rolling papers are organic, if they are bleached its wrost to. best methot is bong made with organic natural wild pure glass and with pure water inside of course I have seen people use bongs with no watee :lol::eyesmoke::joint:bongsmilie
Please stop spreading misinformation, lol. A true convection vape will not cause popcorn to start popping out of my lungs, haha. It's the safest and healthiest way to smoke weed. All my doctors have recommended vaping with a decent vape, when I tell them I smoke weed, so that's no BroScience, lol. If you just heat the weed with hot air, instead of combusting it, you can avoid the carcinogens. Anytime anything burns it will release carcinogens, even burnt toast, or frying steaks. My weed never burns in my vape, it just doesn't look as green afterwards, lol. It's still useable for ABV edibles or tinctures too.
There was a recent issue in the US where black market THC vape cartridges had Vitamin E Acetate added to them and it caused a lot of people to quickly develop lung issues...and caused some people to die. That said...none of the vaping issues you read about apply to dry herb vaping. Dry herb vaping is more like smoking but without the smoke or the bad things that come with the smoke. If you haven’t tried it then you should. It’s better for you and the flavor just can’t be beat. I can’t stand smoking weed anymore because joints, bowls, bongs, etc all taste like an ashtray to me now. When you vape you can actually taste the flower and all the terpines.
Hell ya. You get it. Those cartridges are a whole different story, lol. They definitely aren't good for you. I still have some, but they are for emergencies only, which I don't see happening anytime soon now that I'm growing my own, lol. My lungs really didn't like that shit. It kinda gave me a tickle cough or something, so I could see where popcorn might come out of my lungs if I kept that shit up, lol. I keep trying to convince my dad about the benefits of a true convection vape, but he's too old to want to change his ways and thinks he has all the answers already.
Hell ya. You get it. Those cartridges are a whole different story, lol. They definitely aren't good for you. I still have some, but they are for emergencies only, which I don't see happening anytime soon now that I'm growing my own, lol. My lungs really didn't like that shit. It kinda gave me a tickle cough or something, so I could see where popcorn might come out of my lungs if I kept that shit up, lol. I keep trying to convince my dad about the benefits of a true convection vape, but he's too old to want to change his ways and thinks he has all the answers already.
I learned a lot about it early on when the whole popcorn lung scare started. I smoked cigarettes when I was younger but quit smoking in 1998. When vaping came along, I tried it to see if the nicotine would help with some of my GI issues, but I just didn’t trust buying e-juice from anyone because there wasn’t any type of regulation or oversight to the manufacturing process at the time. I vaped nicotine for about 4 years but I purchased all the nicotine & ingredients, made my own e-juice, and made my own coils, just so I knew exactly what I was putting into my lungs.
I learned a lot about it early on when the whole popcorn lung scare started. I smoked cigarettes when I was younger but quit smoking in 1998. When vaping came along, I tried it to see if the nicotine would help with some of my GI issues, but I just didn’t trust buying e-juice from anyone because there wasn’t any type of regulation or oversight to the manufacturing process at the time. I vaped nicotine for about 4 years but I purchased all the nicotine & ingredients, made my own e-juice, and made my own coils, just so I knew exactly what I was putting into my lungs.
Nice. I actually just quit smoking cigs 13 days ago, after almost 30 years of smoking. Got my patch on now. I can already breath a lot better and I'm still vaping weed which I refuse to ever quit, lol.
There was a recent issue in the US where black market THC vape cartridges had Vitamin E Acetate added to them and it caused a lot of people to quickly develop lung issues...and caused some people to die. That said...none of the vaping issues you read about apply to dry herb vaping. Dry herb vaping is more like smoking but without the smoke or the bad things that come with the smoke. If you haven’t tried it then you should. It’s better for you and the flavor just can’t be beat. I can’t stand smoking weed anymore because joints, bowls, bongs, etc all taste like an ashtray to me now. When you vape you can actually taste the flower and all the terpines.
This couldn’t be more true. It’s heat and weed. When you light it on fire you lose taste. IMO. I can never go back. Dry herb vape all the time.

Apparently they were thinning the juice down to make it weaker and go further but since it didn’t look thick they added the thickening agent your speaking of. That’s the story I read. I grow and I vape once you do that I don’t see how you go back.