Should i cut back on nitrogen during late bloom stage?


Im on at wk 4 of bloom stage and was wondering if i should cut back on nitrogen or maybe no nitrogen? Any help would be appreciated.............i did a couple searches on this but theres seems to be a difference of opinions.


Well-Known Member
Im on at wk 4 of bloom stage and was wondering if i should cut back on nitrogen or maybe no nitrogen? Any help would be appreciated.............i did a couple searches on this but theres seems to be a difference of opinions.
Your bloom nutrients usually have a minimal amount of nitrogen in them, all i can tell you is what i do and that is run small amounts of n during flower never any added just what is in my flora series mix and when i ran general organics it also had n in the bloom nutes just at lighter ratios


Active Member
your plants need nitrogen throughout their entire life, up until flushing. the old school growers who grew up on miracle gro are under the impression that its a black and white thing. that during veg they need N and during flowering you need lots of P, and you dont really need the other. i used to think like that. but now i'm increasing my N at late bloom stage as well as my P (granted my P by more) to way better results. Make sure your K is about double your P if you want them tight, heavy, buds. not sure what kind of nutes you're running but you can look at the chart I use to get an idea of what stages the plants need what. So the Grow will be mostly Nitrogen with moderate K, the Bloom is lots of P with moderate K. Micro is all the trace elements and calcium. So when they're combined you end up with lots of P and K which makes for a nice finished product. So use this chart and then figure out from there when you want to increase what using the nutes you have.

Good luck to ya! Hope that helps. :)


Active Member
Oh, even better yet... just follow the second chart on the above link. Its a PPM chart to give you a good idea of what elements the plant needs at whatever stage its in.


Well-Known Member
Try to keep your P on the modest side. It will help with flavor. Like tgg said. You want a higher k then p. no 0-25-25 shit. Jmo


Well-Known Member
A balanced diet is best, They need more P during flower but they need N and K as well for healthy growth. Try to avoid stuff with massive amount of P and not much of the other elements, to much nitrogen will make your flowering cycle take longer, but not enough and your leaves will start dieing off to early depriving your plants of what they need most: Light.


New Member
Nitrogen loading is what you all are talking about. From the 4th week on your ratio of N versus P, N. should not exceed the levels of P. Overall thrich production can be affected at this stage. To my growers I recommend full strength going into flower, drop your nitrogen to half around the 4th week and watch your plants, some will need a shot of nitrogen and some will need less. You want to give just enough nitrogen to keep the plant green but not overload at this time...JAS