Should I cut or Not


Active Member
Well folks I would like your opinion on whether or not I should chop my Roadrunner or not:weed: I have left it a week longer than I was going to but I think I had a habit of chopping too early:dunce: and I normally wouldn't ask but this is an Auto and I don't remember when I planted it:dunce: but I'm nearly sure its at least 10 weeks so I want as many opinions as possible Here are the pics


Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Plants look great.... the pictures suck.... no way to tell if they are ready with those pics.... from what I can see they are close.


Active Member
Yeah I was thinking that phone camera just charging my other phone it has a better camera I will post more pics in a while


Well-Known Member
hey,,,do you have a flash? that brings out all the crystals and may help...
Sorry but Id say those pics are to blurred up close to get a really accurate way,,
Personally Id flush for another 5 days then 2 days dark then chop,,,Im not starting a debate,,just what Id do,,
Take it easy and your plant look good,real good...
do u have a microscope...if u want the effects to be sativa like harvest when thc heads are clear to milky....if u want a indica effect harvest when thc heads are cloudy/milky to amber colored. that is the proper way to tell when to harvest.


Active Member
Here is pics with a better camera and zoom



Well-Known Member
aye i think your right,Chop.having looked closer, should flush them out a bit or should of. the leaves looks like a plant that has up to 2 weeks left


Well-Known Member
if you dont believe chop one.... what are you going to smoke a week one branch take a branch off. every week let it dry. in twoo weeks youll see what you need to look at. never go by date on package of seeds. that's just a estimate.


it looks pretty close to me but you have to look at the trichs if you have a microscope a loupe or a magnifier 20X you can get the look needed to tell for sure. I would say give it til the weekend and chop.


Active Member
Right folks I've done the partial harvest for the craic leaving the bottom of the branches with the popcorn buds
I'm fairly pleased with what I got so far ,I didn't think I would get that from an auto its seems to be more than what i usually got off the photoperiod plants.Although I'm not gonna weigh it till its dry as it normally makes you cry if you weigh wet then dry :cry:
Anyway here is just a few pics of what i chopped and whats left

