Should I cut sickly leaves?


Well-Known Member
That's the fkn point YOUR name should b MR SARCASTIC PEOPLE GET A BIT TIRED OF IT AFTER A WHILE .sorry u r a well educated grower but cut some people some slack when they ask a question!!!


Well-Known Member
Ohhh I have a great sense of humour just gets a bit much when humour turns to ignorance!!!!! Listen stax I've had some excellent Info from u and hope I still can but please cut some ov us newbies some slack u should always think back to ur first grow and remember how it felt


Well-Known Member
If that's how u feel fair enuff .give me 2mins to go and have a wank over my plant as u so Intelligently suggested.wot a fkn wast of live u r!!!!


Well-Known Member
Pull a seat up guys and we will c who's the man for a proper Slagging match come on stax bring it fkn on uve got me going now.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Commander 2 inches.... dang strax U gonna let Em do you like that???

When I'm instigating battles become wars!!
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mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I think i know what's going on here strax is staying silent because your drowning yourself and don't even know it...He trolled you got the rise he wanted and is probably smoking a blunt laughing right now... pure genius the the old hit and run!


Well-Known Member
Yea good because I'm.........having a good wank over my plants so everyone's HAPPY lmfao...don't worry about me mate been their seen it and well u no how it goes after that......r u still my friend stax press like if u still love me