Should I do anything about this?

First thread/post on Rollitup, welcome to me :)

Anyways, this year I have started my first outdoor grow. Found an awesome spot and started it up. I'm using basic soil with NPK in it, no nutrients but grow sticks and bonemeal. My questions are, how am I doing (in relation to the pictures) and are one or two yellow leaves on the lower parts of my plants bad? I expect some to die off, so not really worried about that. What I did notice though, is a small infestation of millipedes in my soil. I must've bought a bag of soil with eggs in it or something. But, when I water my babies, some millipedes flood to the surface (some = 10-20 of them). They have been in my plot for about a week or so now, and I haven't noticed any type of damage done to my plants. I heard they feed on dead organic matter and that they shouldn't be too much of a problem. I'd like to be verified on this, though.


So yeah, my questions lie at: how am I doing thus far, AND is my millipede problem going to affect growth or anything else? Seems like for the 10 days or however long they've been here, that they are not causing much damage. Thanksss a lot for input :)

Edit: those pictures are about 4-5 days old as of July 4th
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Active Member
The last picture you have up is trimmed almost exactly like my plant. :D

They look just fine man, the yellowing happens, like you expected.
Sweet :) how about the millipedes? And I have yet to do any trimming to these. I heard to wait until flowering to do any this true?
I assume my plants look healthy and the millipedes cause no problems. Might've helped to put in Outdoor Grow forum but uh yeah, no other thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I would hazard a guess on those lanky ones being male. (males tend to be taller and lankier in my experience) So keep an eye out for them.
Most millipededs that I am aware of will eat bugs, not plant matter so you should be okay. Good luck. Peace, DST
Thanks...and so far I can really determine the gender. Green spikes but none have turned white yet. And it might be because there's 2 plants of 2 different strains so they might be appearing different. I guess only time will tell.