should i do ex?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I got a hard choice. Doyou say yes orno. Any addictivness?sounds fun to be rolling so i might
Not really addictive at all. If you know you have actual MDMA, it is very safe. If you're buying "ecstasy" it is a gamble.


bud bootlegger
yah, i think that everyone should roll atleast once in there life time to see what they may learn about themselves or whomever they roll with.. i went thru a period where i rolled every weekend for around two years or so... i don't think its really addictive.. just gotta watch out for the crash the day after rolling..
Anything can be addictive if used too much and for the wrong reasons. If you are just looking for a good time you will be fine but if used for escapism you could come to depend on it. I think this is true for everything not just drugs.


Active Member
i used to space out my rolling adventures by 3 month periods. you're going to want a shit ton of bud to smoke while you're rolling too. just dont eat too many rolls. i dont think i ever ate more than 2 in one night.
eat one, chew it up. have plenty of herb handy. and plenty of fluids, o.j. dont go crazy and eat like 12. i got dead homies cuz of that.


New Member
Theres just a few things im worried bout.

I trust the guy i can get it from but

1. I dont want my brain fried
Or is the govt bs?

2. Could be some posionous chemical in it :(


Well-Known Member
Theres just a few things im worried bout.

I trust the guy i can get it from but

1. I dont want my brain fried
Or is the govt bs?

2. Could be some posionous chemical in it :(
1. Your brains not gonna fry unless your taking it multiple times in a week over extended periods of time.

2. Theres not gonna be a poisoness chemical in it because the pills are made to be taken to have a good time. The pills probably won't be pure mdma but cut with something similar or something to enhance it.

Just ask the guy your getting it from if their any good or not and how they make you feel when your on them. Each pill makes you feel different.


Well-Known Member
everyone should take exctasy at least once in their lives, of all the substances that get people high, it is in my opinion the most fun. you just dont want to overdo it (just like anything else). the thing about poisonous pills is bs, like chickadee said. get some good music, alot of weed and some people you like and you will have a good time. the worst thing about it is the next day hangover, for some people they get really depresessd, but other people seem fine. it depends on the person. either way, just smoke a lot the next day and it seems to clear up the problem. have fun


Well-Known Member
Hm. He has a pill tester. Buy a pill next paycheck. Do it on a friday.

How long is your serotonin gone for? A week?
I generally will give it at least 2 weeks before redosing. Ive found anything sooner only results in diminished returns IMO


Active Member
no matter what u hear its bad for u, real bad, not all its hyped to be IMO, just grow out some fucking dankkk and enjoy!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
1. Your brains not gonna fry unless your taking it multiple times in a week over extended periods of time.
It won't fry anyway.. there would be some neurotoxicity, but so would there be in you take any drug multiple times in a week.

2. Theres not gonna be a poisoness chemical in it because the pills are made to be taken to have a good time. The pills probably won't be pure mdma but cut with something similar or something to enhance it.
Don't listen to this. This is absolute bullshit.

They have found PMA, Methamphetamine, Ketamine, BZP, TFMPP, etc. in Ecstasy tablets.

I got a grey star that was Ketamine and (meth?)Amphetamine.. it was very heavy weight for both (as I am very familiar with dissociatives and speed) and I thought I was going to have to visit the hospital (the other kid who took it did).

The dealers don't give a fuck about you having a good time, they care about their money.


Well-Known Member
only 1 way 2 find out!!!! i used to take like 40/50 over a weekend,every w.end, stoped takin them 4 years ago, my mental state is stil questionable, the bigest prob i had was gettin used to normal life/routine again.wen u stop takin them life gets sooo fuckin boring, yet i no people who do as much as i did and are ok. the day after u will feel like shit, your jaw will be agony, wont be able to eat, get an erection, think straight.the second day you will be alot better, if a little slower psyicaly/mentally. Es are full of chemicals, they get cut like any other drug, main ingredients rat poison(this is actually a benefit it slows ur heart rate down), washing detergent, over counter drugs. not addictive at all, if you do take them u will love it and want to do it again and again and again and again and again and again. christ i miss Es