Should i flip my plants or wait


Well-Known Member
Should I flip my plants they haven't shown signs of sex yet in veg but are getting big one is about 3 feet tall the other two are bushy as hell. Looking to max yield so I don't mind vegging longer they are under some t5s in coco.strains are strawberry kush and skywalker og kush(tall one)


Well-Known Member
You have to account for the stretch in flower. Gotta figure around twice its current height. As long as you have the room, keep going, why not?.... Not familiar with the strains.


Well-Known Member
I flip according to the footprint I'm growing in. Since you're in a tent it's probably best to flip now. You'll still be challenged with keeping that bitch nice and tight. Mb you should've flipped it a month ago.


Well-Known Member
I would agree that I could use more light in there my flower tent is bigger tho and I was just going to flower the big ones and keep the little ones in big you guys think those will get? my flowering room is 6.5x6.5x6.5 foot. thanks all!


Well-Known Member
think I could wait 3 more weeks for my crop to be done in my flowering tent or is that pushing it?


Well-Known Member
not exactly sure the biggest one probably 3.5 feet from the ground at the top its in a 10 gallon fabric pot you think I can just keep vegging?


Well-Known Member
those are old pictures I forgot to say im always high my bad theya re like 1 week old pics I believe


Well-Known Member
Ok, well if they are truly 3.5 feet tall, then flip ASAP! Assuming you don't have vaulted ceilings!