Should I Flower?!?

Im not sure if I should start flowering yet. I got 9 plants under a 1000 watt lamp. they have been vegging now for some time. Here are their heights, 29",27",24",24",22",18",18",16", and 15". They are kinda spread out in height and im not sure why. Some are real leafy and others are not. But anyways should I start flowering? Will they even out in height and "leafyness" once in flowering? Also for ppl that have grown WW before, how bad is the odor and at what week does it hit about? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
WW for me was pretty stinky the whole time. week 4 of flowering it seemed like it really kicked in.

id flower those are pretty big. but depending on how big you wanted to get them is up to you. two out of three breeders i grew the WW did not double in size(had very littel stretch)
Well its a first grow and i was very confused on when to flower and a few of the plants have been really slow growers (the 15 and 16 inchers) and two of them have streched and caused them not to leaf out to much :( but now some are wayyy big while others are still kinda small (the 15 and 16 inchers again) but now I have to go out and buy a hps bulb befor I can flower em :( but on the upside I should have a larger yeild haha


Well-Known Member
im assuming some are male/female. what i would do is top all of them down to the same size to flower them..(im saying this because WW seem to like the topping and increased yield a bit.

or tie the tops down to make an even canopy.

but yes flower now :D can wait to pics if you can!
They are all from a WW feminized seeds so im hopeing no males :) but we will see. and i might have tried to get them all even but some are double the size of others, i find that kinda odd but i just chalk that off to genetics.
10 bucket drip system but there has been some debate on how much i should water. what they seem happy with is once every 3 hours for 5 mins. and im not to happy with the genhydro nutes. Im gonna switch next grow. but they have also been stressed a bit. there was once that my heater quit working and it got down to like 45 degrees and i had to water them by hand and the roots dried out really bad for like 60hours. so they had to grow back basically there whole root system. but there doin great now :) Im really hopeing now that you mentioned it that thos feminized seeds really are 99.9 percent females, cuz that would be disappointing to loose a few of em.


Well-Known Member
i just assumed you were growing reg im sure everything well work out just fine with them. i would just tie down as much as you can to get the even canopy..if they are way to tall maybe top/take clones from them..instead of throwing the stuff away..

also put your taller ones on the outside/edges of your you can keep your light close and it wont block light from others :D
I was kinda thinking about doin that but I dont wanna slow the growth of the big ones haha. I may change em around a bit. but how do you tie them down?


Well-Known Member
wow man i hope u have alot of head room cuz those babies are gonna strecth to high heaven.. better super crop them
best of luck and be safe


Well-Known Member
I've got a 1000W. set-up and my plants get that size, 20-26 inches, after vegging 5 weeks.
If you flower now you can expect 24 inchers to end up at 40-48 inches for most strains.
Don't worry about buying a flowering bulb if you have a 1000W. veg bulb. I used to change my ballast
and bulb when I switched to 12/12 but now I keep the veg lights through the whole grow. The flower bulb set-up is much
hotter than the veg set-up and you don't gain much in yield with the hotter bulb.

well i just picked up a hps today so now i just got to finish my transition stage and ill b on my way to flowering. Im gonna have to move the big plants to the outter edges to give the others a chance.