Should I flush or wait? Outdoor season gone wrong


Active Member
This year on Vancouver Island the outdoor season was atrocious. With temps dropping and humidity rising in late July, fall came early.
I grow in a greenhouse and was not prepared for an early end to the growing season. When the weather changed I hadn’t gathered the necessary winter equipment, expecting a good harvest and not having to bloom over winter.
I estimate that my plants began to flip naturally around the day of August 25th. It wasn’t until the first week of October that I was able to get them back into the right environmentals, or at least as close to optimum as possible.
By the time I brought them inside they were 5-6 weeks into bloom, however being different strains their growth stalled at different stages due to a mix of nute lockup etc from cold and humidity. Once inside some t TV lol longer than others for the buds to continue forming again. The outcome of this is that I can. Is o ly guess which stage of bloom they are in.

The subject of this post is a Wedding Cake X. Please excuse the HPS. I suspect this plant to now be in week 7.
She has been suffering from stem rot. I cut off the branches that had to go, including 1 of the 3 colas. On spots that were only starting to be Affected, I carefully applied pure 29% peroxide which killed the mould. I then took a new scalpel and carefully removed all of the destroyed tissue. I treated the area again with peroxide and then applied pruning paint to cover the open wounds and prevent reinfection. I cut extra holes through her pot to allow more drainage.
she is doing much better and has new growth
, however because of the mould I think I Should flush her as soon as possible instead of pushing for week 10, however she barely has begun forming again and while her buds have some new growth I am not sure how progressed they actually are.

should I keep feeding and risk losing more of her?

should I flush and risk Missing out on what could be?