Should i get it?


Well-Known Member
i just won on ebay a 600w hps/mh system with switchable balest and reflector and a hps bulb,,USED 1 cycle dude said. for $215 including think I should get it or try to get a brand new one from HTG for close to $350???


Well-Known Member
I dunno...I would be nervous about spending any $ on a used system from ebay. $215 is still a lot of $ (for me anyway).


Well-Known Member
i might be obligated, but that doesn't mean they will get there money.. because once you bid you can't say " i changed my mind". and that does happen. But luckly something happend to the paypal account so they told me not to by it right now i will call HT on monday.


Well-Known Member
i just won on ebay a 600w hps/mh system with switchable balest and reflector and a hps bulb,,USED 1 cycle dude said. for $215 including think I should get it or try to get a brand new one from HTG for close to $350???
fuck i hate it when people bid on some thing and dont follow throw
if you dont want it pay the guy and tell him you dont want it


stays relevant.
you're the same type of guy who doesn't pay when he loses a bet... we have holes dug for you already, don't worry.


Well-Known Member
How to win friends and influence people..............WOW!!!

Dude, that really is bad form. Weezer and GrowTech are absolutely right. There is a "special place" reserved for people like you. You probably beat out someone who could have really used that light. I cant say as I have heard about it happening to anyone, but you CAN be charged with a crime for bidding and not buying. The sellers DO have recourse. Thats one of the reasons I won't buy or sell on ebay. No ethics or integrity.

There is entirely too much of this kind of shit going around these days. Are integrity and ethics a thing of the past? I see a WHOLE LOT of people who are out to get what they want, at any cost, and FUCK everything and everybody else!!!! I got news for ya'll, It aint just about YOU!!
I sure as hell aint gonna sit here and prescribe morality, but there are just some basic things you don't do. If you can't be trusted to be true to your word, what CAN you be trusted to do? All we really ever has in life is our word, what have YOU got?


Well-Known Member
you miss understood me... the guy i'm buying from is kind pulling a dick move, by not sell it to me for ten more days, after i won the items. I feel if I can get a better deal with in that time frame from High Tech, to do so. He broke the "contract", not me. I just wanted to see if ya'll thaught I should get the slightly used system for $215 or the new system for $300 from high tech,, cause it is the same shit.......damn you guys are brutal


Well-Known Member
if he's giving you a bad vibe... forget about it. who knows what condition it's even in. course it he's the one that's delaying its probably an alright system.

one time i bid on some gold necklace that i knew was crap just so someone else wouldn't buy it (though others did bid on it). a month or two later i got a letter from the (government) saying that a class action was being filed against this guy and did i want in on it? well, i could tell he was shady to begin with so never paid the guy, though i was buying plenty of other gold at that time.

the other day i tried to buy from Blue Mountain... the total price after auction was one was higher (because of a wrong shipping estimate) than described. i already had loaded a prepaid card so couldn't get the item, Blue Mountain was nice enough to knock a couple dollars off the price though... so i did get it.


Well-Known Member
you miss understood me... the guy i'm buying from is kind pulling a dick move, by not sell it to me for ten more days, after i won the items. I feel if I can get a better deal with in that time frame from High Tech, to do so. He broke the "contract", not me. I just wanted to see if ya'll thaught I should get the slightly used system for $215 or the new system for $300 from high tech,, cause it is the same shit.......damn you guys are brutal

I stand by what I said. But if thats really the case, you COULD have been a bit clearer about it. It sounded for all the world like you were the deal breaker. If dude broke the deal once, what makes you think it'll be different the second time around? (There's that trust factor) Fuck him and go with the new one. Don't waste your time with someone who is shady.

Yeah, brutal honesty hurts. But I, for one, have no use whatsoever for anyone with that kind of ethics.


Well-Known Member
i'm all about some ethics, I just don't want to spend a bunch of money and turn around a day later to see something better for cheeper. I'm just getting my stuff ready to grow for the first time, I don't want to do things half assed.


Well-Known Member
i'm all about some ethics, I just don't want to spend a bunch of money and turn around a day later to see something better for cheeper. I'm just getting my stuff ready to grow for the first time, I don't want to do things half assed.
Then find what you want and can afford, then buy it. I definately understand not wanting to overpay, but don't go bidding on something, then renege. I buy shit all the time and will invariably find it cheaper somewhere else. I just chalk it up to my lack of research and move on.
Being cheap is just that...Cheap.
I hate to break this to ya, but there are gonna be alot of times where you'll find something you bought at a better price later. Nobody WANTS to overspend, but what ya gonna do? You get the best deal you can live with, and run with that. Anything less is half assed.


New Member
i dont think there is any good way to tell how much it was used so i say no- spend the money on a new one - it is the most important thing in your grow room other then your plants