Should I give nutes daily?


Active Member
I have 2 plants (one at about 3 weeks, one at about 4) that have shown signs of a nute deficiency (lightening of leaves between the veins, burning etc...). I water them daily with about 1 1/2 cups of distilled water that contains the recommended amount of Schultz 10-15-10 fertilizer "7 drops per quart". Wondering if the soil is becoming toxic, because every time i stick the ph checker into the soil, it shoots way alkaline, but then goes back to about 6.9-6.8 over time. It seems like every time you move the stick in and out, it shoots alkaline then goes back.

Any tips? I am worried the problem will get worse. (it is not bad now...)

Some pics. first one is of the 3 week old "Fatty" and then the last two are of the 4 week old "Kosher". Leaf closeup shows the lightening around the tips.



Well-Known Member
your plants look nice
whats your setup
wat kind of soil r u using
i water my plants like 1 every 3 days but completely flood till water is coming out drainage holes


Active Member
My setup is VERY cheap right now. I have 2 dual bulb 4' shoplight fixtures each bulb is 40W, and is kept 1" from the plant tops at all times. I am using generic potting soil (so as to avoid time release crap) with a 3:2 soil to perilite mix in 5 gallon containers with drainage holes in the bottom.

The watering daily has been working fine the plants' whole lives, and so was the nutes... untill now, and I have noticed the leaves lightening in color, and the newer sprouted fan leaves with holes.

The tips are wrinkly, dry looking, and droop...


Well-Known Member
NUTE BURN!!! You have to judge by how the plant acts as to how often you FEED . I always feed every third watering. I do one watering with Plain water, one with Humboldt honey(molasses), then one with Tiger bloom/Big bloom .


Active Member
hey first timer....looking good. i wouldn't use such a strong NPK combination on your plants.... i'm only using a 2-4-2 nutrient solution for mine and they are doing just fine. cannabis is a very hardy plant and will take lots of abuse, but need tlc also. keep up the good work. make sure your bucket has adequate drainage so your roots don't rot.


Active Member
i wouldnt. but ive heard of successful cases where it was done/ the problem is u have to use nutrients that dont mess the PH of ur soil up to bad. and excessive use of fertilizer or other forms of nurtients can drastically change the PH. so honestly i dont fert but every 3 or 4 days for that reason.


Well-Known Member
not a bad setup
and i agree that the plants look healthy
im a noob here still but i think u r watering a bit much, how wet is your soil b4 you water again?? wats the ph??


Active Member
When I water daily, the soil is not damp at all... dry even 2 or three inches down, so I know it's not overwatering. Besides, I have grown the plants on the same watering schedule their whole lives... btw the pics above were about 3 days ago from today, and already the plant is 5 or 6 inches taller.

I think I have identified the problem though... the soil is toxic, and the reason I say this is: I ran out of water with fertilizer, and never mixed more... just watered with distilled water, and the plants are looking better (though Kosher was always strong enough to handle a bit of abuse). I am going to continue to water daily, but for the next week of veg: I am going to water with distilled water only (to kind of flush it) and after that I will water every Monday and Thursday with my schultz 10-15-10 @ 2/3 strength and disteilled water in the days between them. I will post pictures and updates to this thread.

After two weeks of that, the larger plant will be as big as I want it to be before budding, and I am gonna have to stop the veg anyway cause it will grow 2-3x its size (if I am correct in understanding that).

And I was looking at more schultz products, and found "Big Bloom" which is 10-54-10... is that a little high in 'p'? and should I have more 'k' too? What exactly does p do, and k do for a plant?


Well-Known Member
Your plants look healthy, maybe a little stretched but healthy. Make sure you water when your soil is completely dry up to a 2 inch depth and use fertilizer every other watering. Do not use it every day because if you do have any burn (which I couldn't see) that would be the cause. I water about every 4 days because that is how long it takes for my soil to dry up. Good luck..


Well-Known Member
You really are giving far too much fertilizer and are watering too frequently. Try watering once or twice a week instead, water so much that it starts to drip from holes in bottom. Wait til soil is very dry before giving more. Now fertilize at the rec amount once every other watering. In nature MJ plants do not get rain everyday, they also do not get fert every day.