Should I grow this bagseed?

Honey Oil Riot Squad

Well-Known Member
At the end of this week I will be harvesting my first grow which I am very excited about!
Now I'm planning for my next grow. Currently I only have 2 plants in a 4x2x5 tent, GSC and NYCD (I guess they're pretty big which makes up for the fact there are only 2.) However I've got like 6 clones from EACH of the two strains (no root hormone from flower and yet STILL 100% success first try lol), so I have way more than enough clones to fill my tent up for next time (I think I can squeeze in 8 plants total next time).
However while growing I've also picked up some bag seed from known strains. I have one seed from "jellybean" and 3 from "pine kush". Both were pretty damn dank strains.

My question is is it worth it to try and grow out a plant of each kind of bag seed I've got too? Id like to experiment but what are my chances of growing out a hermie and fucking all my other plants too? This grow I had a very unexpected retard hermie right off that bat, luckily I caught it early and killed it quickly, but I don't wanna deal with that again. What's the chances of a hermie from bagseed? Is it worth it?


Well-Known Member
My question is is it worth it to try and grow out a plant of each kind of bag seed I've got too? Id like to experiment but what are my chances of growing out a hermie and fucking all my other plants too? This grow I had a very unexpected retard hermie right off that bat, luckily I caught it early and killed it quickly, but I don't wanna deal with that again. What's the chances of a hermie from bagseed? Is it worth it?
beyond just hermie you could also have a male so is it a liabilility yes, should you take that risk, that's up to you. I like growing out a few bag seeds to hunt for new moms but it's a lot of work and a lot of risk / unknown

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
At the end of this week I will be harvesting my first grow which I am very excited about!
Now I'm planning for my next grow. Currently I only have 2 plants in a 4x2x5 tent, GSC and NYCD (I guess they're pretty big which makes up for the fact there are only 2.) However I've got like 6 clones from EACH of the two strains (no root hormone from flower and yet STILL 100% success first try lol), so I have way more than enough clones to fill my tent up for next time (I think I can squeeze in 8 plants total next time).
However while growing I've also picked up some bag seed from known strains. I have one seed from "jellybean" and 3 from "pine kush". Both were pretty damn dank strains.

My question is is it worth it to try and grow out a plant of each kind of bag seed I've got too? Id like to experiment but what are my chances of growing out a hermie and fucking all my other plants too? This grow I had a very unexpected retard hermie right off that bat, luckily I caught it early and killed it quickly, but I don't wanna deal with that again. What's the chances of a hermie from bagseed? Is it worth it?
I grew this bag seed. 20160312_042832.jpg
I dont regret it...

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
All kidding aside, pop them, veg them for a month or so, then plant them outside. There is plenty of room out there.

I'm growing some bag seed now, trying to teach a buddy to grow. I love the fact there are no social, economic or emotional ties with bag seed. If they all crash and burn, there is no harm done. As long as they are well away from other plants.
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Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Not a hater on bagseed but just consider that most seeds that end up in a bag of weed are probably not there intentionally. In other words the grower fucked up & either forgot to separate the males in time (best possible situation) or more likely they are hermed out seed from a retarded plant (the worst). Alotta plants from femmed seed are just prone to hermies; it's in their genes. Pop them seeds you got from a hermed out plant & that will make plants that are even more prone to hermies just like that retarded plant you just put out of its misery. I mean yeah go ahead & be experimental & have fun but keep in mind bagseed is a crap shoot: sometimes you get lucky & roll your point but usually it's 7 out with a hermied-ass bitch....


Well-Known Member
I've grown many plants from hermi mothers that turned out just fine. But that might just be me, don't want to argue about anything.
That really depends on why the original plant hermed, but hermaphrodite is definitely a genetic trait. And is qps passed to subsequent generations. Can you grow seeds from a harmy plant and not have them herm, yeah. People do it all the time it's what a lot of the best clone only strains are from. But generally those seeds will also pop out a few seeds. Ive had some strains almost unnoticeably herm and shown no nanners but ended up with 2-5 seeds in an entire plant, then I've had 2 strains go full blown on me. But the trait itself is genetic, there are strains that, more or less, will not herm unless you put them into extreme stress, which is the growers fault. Not the plants lol.

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New Member
That really depends on why the original plant hermed, but hermaphrodite is definitely a genetic trait. And is qps passed to subsequent generations. Can you grow seeds from a harmy plant and not have them herm, yeah. People do it all the time it's what a lot of the best clone only strains are from. But generally those seeds will also pop out a few seeds. Ive had some strains almost unnoticeably herm and shown no nanners but ended up with 2-5 seeds in an entire plant, then I've had 2 strains go full blown on me. But the trait itself is genetic, there are strains that, more or less, will not herm unless you put them into extreme stress, which is the growers fault. Not the plants lol.

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Thanks for clearing that up. Glad to hear some constructive words :).