Should I harvest now?


Well-Known Member
NO.... your plant wants to finish.... please let um.... too soon, less THC.... because it will plump up when those hairs recede....

Something tells me, you either already chopped it, or you are planning to do it tomorrow... wait...
Sample/Try a bud from 6-8" down on plant ...
His canna-senses were tingling... false alarm though its cool, the man didn't do it, good on you, listen to everyone else, all of those calyxes are gonna SWELL


Well-Known Member
I can't really see if any of that leaf was actually damaged or if its just coloured? I thought from the first pics you posted there was kinda a pinky tinge to the pistils and wondered if it was gonna colour up at all, could you get a sharper closer pic of the leaf at all?


Well-Known Member
Ah I didn't really look closely the 3rd pic it does kinda look a tiny bit yellowy/necrosisy around some of the leaf margin, i'm not entirely sure though


Well-Known Member
Well, still not chopped the girls yet. I may have to in a weeks time though.

My friend told me that one of them was going hermie? He pulled a few small things off that looked like bananas. Well thats what he called them. Said they were the beginning of pollen sacks and that they are BAD and need to be taken off as soon as poss.

Also on the same plant the leaves look strangely rusty.



Well-Known Member
You should be flushing by now anyway pal, ie just water Ph'd if needed. Your leaves will throw out some funky colours while in flush as its using up all those remaining nutes in the soil/medium and whats left in the plant itself.

Your plant it throwing out nanners in a desperate attempt to self pollinate. A fair few will d this, just to try and survive.

If there are only a couple, pull them off, if its th whole plant, and you have nice milky/amber trichs, then I'd consider pulling it well away from the others and chop it up for hanging.


Well-Known Member
You should be flushing by now anyway pal, ie just water Ph'd if needed. Your leaves will throw out some funky colours while in flush as its using up all those remaining nutes in the soil/medium and whats left in the plant itself.

Your plant it throwing out nanners in a desperate attempt to self pollinate. A fair few will d this, just to try and survive.

If there are only a couple, pull them off, if its th whole plant, and you have nice milky/amber trichs, then I'd consider pulling it well away from the others and chop it up for hanging.
Thanks mate. Will start giving just PHd water from now. Have only been feeding her on seaweed extract for last few waters - no extra nutes.

There were only a few bananas and they were pulled off last night. If I see any more I will do the same.


Well-Known Member
You should be looking at the trichs over the next couple of days some nice amber cloudy mix, and they should stop swelling up now too.

big bud 56

Active Member
Dude,they're almost ready,four weeks my ass.
I would push them for another week with nutes trwo more times then flush her for a few days,you don't need to flush them for a week.
You can flush for three days.
Just pour the water in until it pours out of the pot.Do that three times a day for three days.
THat's enough to flush them.
Then you're ready to harvest.
Nice looking plants...
However, I say you are weeks away! Hairs need to recede back into bud, or at least start to recede... I'd wait, buds will change/grow wait!
Now, in my opinion, you have started to use "ONLY" water too soon ! If plants take another three weeks to finish, are you going to 'feed' them only water for the next three or even four weeks?
You've done so good till now.... Don't f them up by starving them the last four weeks of their life? They will wilt, turn yellow, and look like they are dying, if you continue....

Or, you can wait P-A-T-I-E-N-C-E.... wait for hairs to recede... then re-check for trics....

FYI: [on a healthy plant] Plant will make clear trics until the day you pull it....
As plant dries, some clear turn milky....
Some even milky ones turn tea/amber colored...

Amber/Tea colored = degraded THC....
You want as many [as high a %] milky/white ones as possible...
Now don't say you have a few amber or a few clear ones... you ever cut into a nice bud, then look under a loop at it?
Billions of Milky Trics.... BILLIONS.... with a B....
That's what you want.... a milky THC Highway....
Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Big Bud.... your post was music to my ears :).... I fed her just PH'd water today. So maybe give her some Nutes on Wed and then Fri and then flush etc

Thanks again dude :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks big bud.... hopefully all the hard work will pay off... Now for the crucial bit... drying and curing... any tips my man? :)

big bud 56

Active Member
Dry for a week or until branches snap.
You can smoke it right away and you'll get as much of a buzz from your grow then if you cured it for a month.
Curing only enhances smoothness and taste but other then that the buzz is pretty much the same.


Well-Known Member
Dry for a week or until branches snap.
You can smoke it right away and you'll get as much of a buzz from your grow then if you cured it for a month.
Curing only enhances smoothness and taste but other then that the buzz is pretty much the same.
I LOVE YOU BIG BUD... lol I think you are one of the only few that have given me real straight (black and white) answers.. Thank you so much dude !!! :)

big bud 56

Active Member
No problem
That's why I'm here.
When you cure make sure that you put it in mason jars and open them for a couple hours each day.
If you don't open the mason jars then your bud will get moldy and then it's ruined.
You can store your weed in the jars if you want to.
I LOVE YOU BIG BUD... lol I think you are one of the only few that have given me real straight (black and white) answers.. Thank you so much dude !!! :)


Well-Known Member
Shit...... just realised that when I turned to 12 x 12 I actually messed the timer up and it was actually at 13 light and 11 dark..

Can any one tell me if this is a major mistake? Or will it just put extra time on till harvest? I have switched to 12.5 dark and 11.5 light now. Will this be ok?
