Should I harvest or Let it keep going???


Hi Everyone...this is my 3rd grow so I still consider myself new to this. Started 4 Himalaya Blue Diesel's (autos) 10 weeks ago under a 400W HPS bulb. Their reccomended harvest time is 8-10 weeks from seed. Had three of the plants come up as very "shrubby" plants not more than 20" tall. I harvested these at 9 weeks, and everything went smoothly. Looks like its gonna be some great weed. The 4th plant came up and is almost 4 feet tall. I understand that this may not be a very stable strain which would explain the height difference. However, this last plant is suffering big time, and its buds look to be weeks behind the others. I'm concerned though cause it seems like the plant itself is dying. Losing all its fan leaves, even the leaves in the buds are turning yellow and crispy. The plant smells delicious and is pretty well covered in triches, but the majority of "hairs" are still white. If the plant didn't appear to be dying I would definately let her go for a few more weeks, but i'm curious if i'm doing more harm than good at this point with the plant suffering. I think i maybe introduced its nutes a little too fast and ended up locking them out? Maybe someone with more experience can comment on that. I read that these BHD's can be pretty sensitive to the nutes(after it was too late unflortunately). Would love to hear some advice on what to do in order to get the most out of my girl?? Hopefully the pictures below will do a good job of showing what i'm trying to say....Thanks



Active Member
Im growing my first autos,there a few weeks old and they are very sensitive to nutes,if your soil has slow relese ferts in it that may be your problem,next time Im going to use some jiffy mix and add the nutes I want when I want,try useing a soiless mix,and have you checked the tricomes to see what they look like that will tell you if the plant is ready or not,you smoke might be a little popy when you smoke it from the ferts at least that what some say,I grew outdoors for many years and never flushed my plants and they wee fine. good luck


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of white hairs on those buds. I would not harvest yet. Maybe two more weeks. Just ignore all the yellow leaves on the plants. There isn't much you can do about that, wouldn't be prudent, not at this critical juncture. The buds will probably still be really good. A friend of mine has grown quite a few crops, and had quite a few crops like yours, he says that the bud is still good, even though the plant looks like crap. Yours don't even look as bad as some I've seen.


Thanks for all the good advice. I'll def. let her go for a few more weeks. I guess I was just a little worried that letting the plant go to crap would end up harming the bud. I haven't given her any nutes in probably 2 weeks now and I think i'll continue with that.

thanks again