Should I Keep Exhaust Fan On All Night.


I currently run 3000 watts in a 10x15 space with air cooled hoods. My question is should my exhaust fan run the whole time the lights are off giving it fresh air? I currently use co2 during the day so I set my fan to come on for 12 minutes every hour. Just wondering if there is a benefit to running it all night?


Well-Known Member
since you are running co2 there really isn't a need to do air exchanges anywhere near as much as without it, so you should be fine leaving the fans off during the night time, as long as humidity levels are not rising too badly at night :)


Thanks Messah. Just had a grow that was o.k . Not really up to my standards so I'm trying to troubleshoot a little. I know they say difference between day and night temps should be 15 degrees. I'm having hard time keeping it there. I'm more around 20. With my co2 I figured to have more dense medicine. I have seen the strains I'm working with dense before so I know it's not genetics .