should i keep my PH at 6.5 for veg and bloom??

Matt P.

Should the PH stay at 6.5 for all veg and carry threw when I harvest? If not what should my PH be veg-harvest?


Well-Known Member
That sounds good for soil I guess...I grow in straight perlite and I start my pH at 5.8 to 6 then towards end of flower like last two weeks I'll bump it up to 6.5 to help stop the up take of nutes then last 3 days its just plane unadjusted tap water to make her drink but take no more nutes up

Matt P.

So keep it around 5.8-6.0 for all of veg and threw bloom then last 2 weeks of flower switch to 6.5 right? What do you benefit by doing that? Curious. Always trying to find ways to better my medicine. Thanks a ton


Well-Known Member
Well if ur growing in soil I think 6.5 to 6.8 is sufficient...but I raise my pH at end of flower to ensure that the plants start robbing the shade leaves for stored neutriants...making sure u have minimal nutes in medium at end of flower will make the end result a lot tastier and not harsh