Should I kick this guy's ass ?

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Well-Known Member
people who hate america are ignorant. of course americans are proud of being americans we live in america the best damn place on the planet


Well-Known Member
do you feel proud to be american? because i wouldnt
ya ofcoarse I do, Im one of the ones who still supports George Bush and his torturous impirial regiem to take over the whole world, since it would be so profitable for us to do that. i think thats why george bush is tryin to take over the world no? cuz all the other counrties have all the money.....oh wait:spew:

If tomorrow all the things were gone
I'd worked for all my life,
And I had to start again
with just my children and my wife,
I'd thank my lucky stars
to be living here today,
'Cause the flag still stands for freedom
and they can't take that away.

I'm proud to be an American
where at least I know I'm free,
And I won't forget the men who died
who gave that right to me,
And I gladly stand up next to you
and defend her still today,
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land
God Bless the U.S.A.

From the lakes of Minnesota
to the hills of Tennessee,
Across the plains of Texas
from sea to shining sea.
From Detroit down to Houston
and New York to L.A.,
There's pride in every American heart
and it's time we stand and say

I'm proud to be an American
where at least I know I'm free,
And I won't forget the men who died
who gave that right to me,
And I gladly stand up next to you
and defend her still today,
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land
God Bless the U.S.A.



Well-Known Member
canada is the peace capital, USA is the street trash capital i beleive

in the news yesterday they said usa had the largest prison population in the world 1 out of every 100 people in america is locked up behind bars. 1 in 30 young males in america are in jail and 1 in 9 young male african americans are behind bars.

not sure about trash tho. You ever been to america? ive been to canada for like one day so I didnt get to see much. I dont get it, like i dont like ugly women but i dont go around to ugly women and tell them I hate them, so I dont really get why you care som much, just chill in canada if you like it better, just the fact that you feel the need to insult makes it seem like you have an axe to grind like you jelous or somthin. whats all the hub-bub about?


Well-Known Member
ya canada is so great . let something happen in canada thefirst place theyll go for help is the u s a.


Well-Known Member
in the news yesterday they said usa had the largest prison population in the world 1 out of every 100 people in america is locked up behind bars. 1 in 30 young males in america are in jail and 1 in 9 young male african americans are behind bars.

not sure about trash tho. You ever been to america? ive been to canada for like one day so I didnt get to see much. I dont get it, like i dont like ugly women but i dont go around to ugly women and tell them I hate them, so I dont really get why you care som much, just chill in canada if you like it better, just the fact that you feel the need to insult makes it seem like you have an axe to grind like you jelous or somthin. whats all the hub-bub about?

i think i know the reason and I guess i cant blame ya but there a lot of americans running around saying stupid shit too like canada sucks usa rocks yada yada yada, but now you just being one of them, just dont listen to our dumass citizens you know we got them on both sides of the borders


Active Member
Yeah I don't like to get in pissing contest about the US and Canada. I love the United States and I was in the Marines with plenty of canucks, most of which were cool (and lethal drinkers). No matter how cool you pitch the country to be, you can easily find a ton of assholes running around in it. I hate people that are too f'n lazy to think for their self and just hop on the next shyt talking band wagon. It's just as easy to find a reason to like somebody as it is to find a reason to dislike them. I've been in plenty of fights and all I have to show for it now is scars and bunch of crazy stories.


Well-Known Member
do you feel proud to be american? because i wouldnt
Yeah, I'm proud because its the land I was born in...what I'm not proud of are the leaders and many of their policies forgein or otherwise...which by the way have absolutely nothing to do with me

If it were my choice there would be change.

you douche bags who continually tell us as citizens how ashamed we should be for being born and raised American need to get a life.

Honestly, the truth is your reasoning is based on half assed thought and theory which Assumes all american citizens are created exactly the same.


Well-Known Member
^hey this thread was about albanians not america or canada !

I dont realy care about what problems you have, you know when im on xbox you american allways come with the war... get over it

anyway ...

Pls cloe topic because its getting out of hand go and start your own topic America is the best.........

then let people post

i would type america is the best place to get donuts - cinamon mmmmmm...... And Cheesburgers


Well-Known Member
FINALLY.......................someone got their fucking bike back. this is THE first rollitup "to be continued" thread that actually continued to the end.

the end.
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