Should I make my plant flower? (And also, how?)


Active Member
According to this website:
Marijuana and Cannabis Vegetative Stage of Growing | Vegetative Growth of Pot, Weed, and Cannabis Plants

Flowering is done by either waiting 'til the autumn or cutting its light short with an indoor grow light.

My question: I have an outdoor plant. The guide there suggests flowering your indoor plant after it's 18" to 20".

When it gets that high, what should I do? Should I just wait until the fall for it to bud or could I benefit from bringing it inside and putting it under a grow light?


Well-Known Member
if you wanna wait till fall than do just that wait .. If you wanna flower it inside put it in light for 12 hrs and total darkness for 12 hrs ..8 - 10 weeks later if its a girl you'll be harvesting


Active Member
if you wanna wait till fall than do just that wait .. If you wanna flower it inside put it in light for 12 hrs and total darkness for 12 hrs ..8 - 10 weeks later if its a girl you'll be harvesting
Will there be the same amount of buds, though?


Well-Known Member
Wait till fall man unless you are willing to cover the plant everyday to limit light to 12hrs. But I would just wait for her to run her course.


Well-Known Member
NO!!! Outdoor growing you could get up to and above 1lb per plant. Letting the plant follow it's natural course is always best. Indoor growing is for people that can't do it outdoors, or during the cold seasons.


Well-Known Member
Yeah if you can grow your girlie outside do it. It takes longer and it is hard to wait but you will be so so so glad you did, and besides its cheaper the light and fans and ventilation is free!!!!!!!!