Should I Reveg


Hi guys im growing outdoors and nute burn took out about 60%+ of my leaves and my plant is only about 7 inches and its in the third week of flower no buds yet but should i put it back into veg so it can grow more or will it grow alot during flower? Help me out guys please!!


Well-Known Member
If you are leaving it outside, then it's probably not in flower. This time of yr in northern hemisphere there is around 14 to 16 hrs light a day.

If you have nute burn then flush, and flush again. Then leave it alone and let it dry out.


I cover it to induce 12/12 and that wasnt my question. my question was will it grow alot more or should i reveg it


Active Member
stop covering it. man it will reveg. My friend did the same thing with a pineapple express. LOL thing came back all freaky looking but she did pretty well in the end. LOL. IDK how you guys can do that outdoors with covering it and stuff. seems like more hassle than anything. Id let it go all season. They will get huge man.


Some one answer this question ---> should i reveg it to let it grow more ( its 7 inches) or will it grow alot during flower? Thats it i dont want any other answer shit


Active Member
Some one answer this question ---> should i reveg it to let it grow more ( its 7 inches) or will it grow alot during flower? Thats it i dont want any other answer shit
REVEG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn. It wont grow that much foliage flowering. You need fan leaves. you need to reveg.


Active Member
I just told you that I have a friend that does it too. he had to reveg. You need to reveg. you plant might look a little wierd but you need to reveg. DID I SAY YOU NEED TO REVEG ENOUGH.


Ursus marijanus
It might turn hermie though?
I wonder if the whole "turn hermie" thing is one of today's leading, uhm, herban legends. How many people here have (or know someone who has) had a plant "turn hermie" from light stress? The question is this: how does one know that that specific pheno wasn't going to herm anyway? Just a thought. cn


First time grower, you dont have to get pissy! lol so light changes dont cause hermie? that would be a huge relief!


Ursus marijanus
Not trying to be pissy; sorry if I gave that impression. I'm just saying I suspect that the "turn hermie" thing is generally overrated ... and asking the more experienced readers to sanity-check my thoughts. If anything, i was trying to reassure you. cn


Well-Known Member
Yeah, at only 7 inches your yield will be shit. Let it veg and flower natural with the season. By October you should be golden. Never saw the sense in flowering a plant that small


Alright thanks guys. i was trying to harvest by the end of summer but whatever ill let nature take its course lol i have only one plant so i guess i should make the most of it


Active Member
only in extreme situations will they hermie, lots of stuff can cause it. You should be fine though man. its been done time and time again with success.


Well-Known Member
It would be even more likely to hermie if you try to flower it now. It will think that it is dying and try to make seed. Your best bet is to reveg so that it can regain its health for flowering later.


Active Member
1) don't be an asshat when asking for help
2)Going hermie has nothing to with your original ever important question
3)It is not likely it will turn hermie since it isn't showing signs of flowering


First of all i was kidding. your the one being a dick on MY post. Second of all going hermie does relate to my original question. and yes like ive already said pistils are showing.