Should I rip a joint outside my apartment bolcony?

Sux, I just got here and it's Rosemary's Baby in here too, not this thread, but.. I'm pretty much gone.. America has been literally gutted by Satan and there's just nowhere to go anymore.
All the sellouts got morphed into the demonic so it's everyone now almost..
The internet was invented by the serpent bloodline for full beast system demonic tyranny in the disguise of unlimited knowledge.
Supermarket food is poisoned
Grow your own food
All those who side with the Antichrist spiral into eternal death with all their demonic powers stripped.
Cannabis medication from God
Manipulated by serpents
Cannabis industry gutted by serpents
Get out
Win win
Yes, I was there in 85, it was ugly, wow, the only thing that saved everything back then was rock and roll, 80s was the last of it all.
Hillary and her serpent legions shipped in the cocaine to demoralize the nation to the level needed for serpent takeover.
The number of the beast in scripture unfolds now
BRO did you just accuse Hillary Clinton of causing the crack epidemic? :lol: my understanding was it was the CIA
Yes, I was there in 85, it was ugly, wow, the only thing that saved everything back then was rock and roll, 80s was the last of it all.
Hillary and her serpent legions shipped in the cocaine to demoralize the nation to the level needed for serpent takeover.
The number of the beast in scripture unfolds now

I see you haven't taken my recommendation in the other thread to take Thorazine. I'm just trying to help. It will help with your obvious mental issues. You should seek mental help immediately. I don't want to hear about you on the nightly news.
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I watched my whole country get bushwhacked by hybrid serpent demon children.
It's almost surreal like it's exactly like the movie
I'm in the boonies now, it's 16 miles to Jiffymart just for gmo poison.
Serpents poisoned the food
And the sky, the water, frequencies
Better git them chickens to lay an egg and grow some veggies..
Skeletors legions bring u death
Sounds to me like you watch too much Tucker Carlson
Led Zeppelin..." I don't care what the neighbors say ! ".......catch a buzz on YOUR balcony.......maybe the neighbor's are cool , if not , no loss to you , not your kinda people.
I gotta admit, it was kinda weird when OK law passed. We were walking the streets of BrickTown, and Paige and her girls just fire one up. Then I thought "ok.. the law says we can smoke anywhere cigs are allowed".. I say fire it up bro! If your State is legal, who gives a fuck?
Here in Oregon you can sit down and bake a meth pipe in a park, sitting on the sidewalk, and many other places and nobody is going to do anything not even the cops. All they can do is give you a ticket here for personal use. Oregon decriminalized small amount, personal possession of meth, heroin, cocaine, basically all drugs. Cops just drive by people in Portland because it's a waste of time to write a ticket when the person isn't going to pay it and face no penalties.

I could take anyone around Portland and be at a prime meth smoker watching site in minutes. You don't even need binoculars as you can get pretty close without spooking them. I've watched them try to scatter but they usually have bags of crap with them and while they're scurrying around stuffing all their junk in their bags they forget what they're doing. If you stay still they'll go back to their meth smoking and picking at scabs forgetting you're even there.

I wish I was making that up but I'm not. :(
sf is the exact same
I have to interact with meth addicts while being out in public all of the time. It's just part of life. They are usually pretty nice, just tweaky. Same pill addicts or junkies or whatever drug they are on. Homeless people are their own thing. I live in a fairly small city and although they have always been around, the homeless have recently acquired a very heavy presence in the downtown area and their own encampment nearby. Every once in awhile one of them overdoses or gets stabbed. Homelessness is an issue that seems to be growing and getting out of control just about everywhere. Mental illness if definitely a large factor in both issues. That and a general "Why should I give a fuck?" vibe from the homeless community as well as from the homed community.