Should I run my DE at 1000W or 1150W?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

So I am doing my very first run with my new Double ended 1000W HPS.

There is a "boost" function that takes it upto 1150W, the boost function definitly works, as I have used my lux meter to see if it produces any more lux, I do get a ~12% increase all round when using 1150W.

So I have put them on 1150W for the past 24 hours, the plants are loving it, I have never seen happier plants.

Is it bad using 1150W for the bulb/ballast?? or not really??

I read on a few sites saying "do not start the ballast on the 1150W setting, you must only start the ballast at 1,000W or less."

I started my bulbs at 1150W with zero issues, so not sure why they are saying that?

Thanks peeps;)


Well-Known Member
Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

So much of what I've read the last 15 years says that running any bulb off it's rated capacity will either kill the bulb faster or give your plants inferior light.

I would not boost the wattage as that will for sure shorten the life of that bulb. Live fast and die hard is great for bikers but sucks for lights :)


bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
from experience it will premature burn the bulb on standard bulbs . on de i dont know im sure its all the same its over powered .