Should I sever (pics)


Well-Known Member
I cut right above the node maybe a quarter inch up, used a brand new razor should be good. How would I know if it was infected?
Cool. Sounds good.
You'll know if you ever do get infection. There are various types. But they stick out like dogs balls.

I wouldn't be too concerned about disease at all. Just keep everything clean and organized.


Well-Known Member
Hah! That's awesome man! I've never had a deer completely destroy my plant but Ive had some do damage. As far as those blackberry patches man that's the way to go nobody wants to go walking through that and like you said they like similar soils. Props on having that on lock that's whats up!
Lol. Yeah. Kind of the same here.
Kangaroos don't mind the odd chomp either.


Well-Known Member
I whole heartedley agree. I also have learned from my mistakes also, I feel that's how a good grower evolves over the years. And yes an established MJ plant outdoors is extremely tough and resilient. I've seen it with my own eyes as well man:blsmoke::peace:

With good reaction time indoor plants can recover quite well from pretty bad damage too.