Should i smoke it? need advice


Well-Known Member
hey man i dont abuse i use "i mean that in the least dickiest way" im poor man and i cant enjoy herb like id like but yea i do have a very good relationship with "drugs" i feel that if god didnt want us to have these herbs and fungi-sises ect that he wouldnt of made them effect us the way they do. for example most pharmaceuticals are euther a synthetic spin off or direct combination of chemicals orginally founded upon the earth via plants like opium or that lame ass thc pill they try to give ppl instead of good ole herb. but sense we where placed upon this earth after its creation, that only means the creator designed us to fit this earth and that means everything we feel and can feel ect so if we werent suppose to trip on mushrooms then why would we have been given that side effect period. sense the mushroom was here before man, and we where put here along side after the fact. if it had no meaning or was to be left alone then it would be the same as an apple that does not have a psychoactive effect. then the mushroom and all the other plants would have been given the same trait (nothing) That only means there more to being human then being sober. otherwise there would not be all these plants that effect us how they do. its a bit of a one way thought as u prolly are all athiests or what ever no offense but im a strong religeous person and i find that just cuz i worship and am aware of the creator doesnt mean i have to live the way "man" pertrays as a follower of "god" as everything your told about religeon is through man so what is actual fact and what is real. all we do know is that the tribe of abraham witnesses power above mans that one day upon the mountain and is the only religeon created upon multiple witneses as the entire tribe witnessed and created their covenant that day instead of a man having a dream and telling everyone he met god and this is what we must do. but also how from then on multiple religeons pop up over time. i wont get into all that but i could lol its a great read. how all the other religeons based off man-beasts ect are actual fallen angels that try to take the glory away from god the only way they know how take his ppls faiths and beliefs and worship false idols and gods like the mythology and egyptians half man half bull or sumsht cuz the flood happened cuz we mixed our genes tainting our evolution so god purified the earth destroying the world which is mans recreation and adaptation of the already perfect and ever supplying earth. well i got off topic but yea man i like drugs not all drugs but sum of them are just right i dont wake up wanting to get high everyday but there are times when i would like to alter my consciousness as do you criticing me on it is sort of hypocritical. because i did not smoke that "infected '" pipe but if i was such the self destructive maniac abusing any drug then i woulda scraped that crack infected pipe and smoked it to escape reality as i know crack sum say is an amazing high but i dont give a shit i would never ever do that shit period. infact i ditched that shtty zombie infected pipe and threw it in my neighbors yard.----Just kiddin---- lmao but i did get rid of that shit i just gave it to my friend who smoked his sht out of it (not really my friend) but thats a nice thing to call sum1 instead of acrakhead. but ya i feel like im doin alright lol i may sound desperate in that post but shit man havnt u ever wanted to get blazed and couldnt.


Staff member
just because you dont touch crack doesnt mean you dont abuse other drugs,
your defense mechanism is high because you know youre doing drugs to escape reality.

I cant make you go get help but you should.
and no im not being hypocritical because i dont take drugs to escape reality and i dont abuse substances,

my post was NOT directed at the want to smoke some bud, it was directed about the plethora of pills you have and abuse.

and for the record im not a man.


Well-Known Member
lol tooche' or how ever that word goes yea what can i say im young n dumb id never seek pills from a dealer but if have a few kinds of muslce relaxers n tramadols lien around from past injuries why not use they where prescribed to me lolz


Staff member
lol tooche' or how ever that word goes yea what can i say im young n dumb id never seek pills from a dealer but if have a few kinds of muslce relaxers n tramadols lien around from past injuries why not use they where prescribed to me lolz
because if they are PAST traumas than you dont need them anymore.
young and dumb, is not an excuse to abuse drugs.

Just know there are professionals on this board who generally worry and care for our forum members. we offer support understanding and listening to others,
whether or not you want to take up that offer is up to you.
most people who get addicted to drugs there is A HIGH addiction relation between prescription pills from past traumas more so than heroin ect. because it is socially acceptable to take prescription pills.


Well-Known Member
Lol i don't blame u, id do the same if somone did that shit mine.
And who cares if u got pills
shit i got lots, don't mean i pop them daily, they have thier place.


Well-Known Member
thanks man foreal i do appretiate the love.... pills ew i really would never see myself doing them more then on special occasions, as its like a 5 min process taking pills as i sumtimes puke em up idk why i dont swallow shit thats like solid just dont work body rejects it, but i have dabled with them in past years and found them very "over hyped" as i dont know why ppl take em for pain thats beyound me. but thats another story plus the puking was absoluting horrible but i cant see myself being a pill addict as i dont even take advil or anything u know, but that was a special occasion only reason i still have em around is cuz i do trade a soma here and there for a joint :) but i do feel like im diverting now so ill shut up.... thank you though i am now aware of my actions through someone elses eyes... and thats really cool that u got ppl who help members :)