Should i start 12/12?????????????????? ADVICE PLZZZ


well this is my frist grow ever so im pretty new to all of this. i topped my babies hopping they would get bushy and i thin its working just how i wanted it to. Most are starting to grow two stems from were i originaly cut it and more branches are starting to form on the older leaves closer to the bottom of the plant. I have some questions for the experts

I was told to top and put under my 250 HPS the day i topped them but i didnt( i felt they were too small), should i put them under it now?
When should i start to 12/12?

BTW the one in the bubble bucket is doing AMAZING!!! growing twice as fast as the rest and was the smallest 3 weeks ago. it still is small but it seems everything is growing bigger on it.

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Well-Known Member
i would def. flower them now. by looking at the 2nd pic. they might get alot bigger depending on the stretch during flower


Well-Known Member
Yea, if they were my plants I would go ahead and switch to 12/12 and get them under the HPS.


Well-Known Member
One of the reasons you top a plant is to slow down upward growth and promote the lower nodes to branch out, so I'm not sure why you would want to switch over to a flowering schedule right after you top, and in your case, you surely could benefit by having some more established goes without saying, more nodes = more bud.


Active Member
The height you have to work with or the method in which you plan to grow are all considerations of just when to flower your plants.
How much room do you have? Strains?

Most Strains that I have had any experience with stretched 2 to 3 times their height when put to flower. I like my plants to be around 3 ft to 4 ft so I put them into flower when they get around 16 inches or so. If you are planning a SOG type grow, then you would put them into flower much smaller. You can keep them in the veg state as long as you want. Clones can be put into flower as soon as you want, even skipping the veg state almost enirely, (for very small plants).
Basically it is up to you to decide when you wish to flower them, dependant upon your situation and grow room setup.

Hope this helps


Active Member
You can put them in flower or you can wait longer. It really all depends on how you want to grow them.
Well thanks for the advice everyone but yeah like i said this is my first grow so im just hoping to get some dank out of these babies, but Punk-yeah i understand more branches more bud but these litter fuckers arnt growing branches just fan leaves...they have been in the ground since nov. 15 so its been almost 2 months n it seems they are taking forever... and randm- my grow room is about 2 deep by 6 wide by 7 tall. As for growing method...i have been doing alot of reading of differnt types but am not sure which one to go with...advice for my situation??? what would make them grow better? any suggestions


Active Member
I have started flowering clones that were 8 inches and taller some stretched more then others but i still was getting over an oz a plant


Active Member
Not everyone who looks replies 'cos they may not have good advice -- or are reading your thread 'cos they have the same problem.

Like the others said -- it is personal preference as to how big you want them and how much space you have. IF it were me, I'd do a little Lst to get that undergrowth a boost for a couple weeks with a couple weeks of veg nutes (I prefer foxfarm's Grow Big). Just to give them "an edge" and a little muscle. Also how big are your containers? a jump from cfl to 250w hps is going to give them vigorous growth (I did t8 veg and 250hps flower it was an awesome difference) so you want to be sure your containers are big enough cos they will grow quite a bit under that 250w. If they're on 18/6 you can always put them under your HPS for 18/6 for a week or two and then switch to 12/12. So yeah flower any time but be prepared for growth with that hps!

Grow it Organic

Well-Known Member
i'd flower. My current first grow, i could have never imagined the speed of growth in flowering. my plant has easily tripled its size in 20 days since 12/12


Well-Known Member
I would flower. The reason I say that is you only have a 250w and they will likely stretch more during flower. Good luck!


Active Member
It is not at all unusual to see your plants 'stall'. You may think that something is wrong, having checked the enviroment found nothing out of order. I've had this happen several times and do not really worry overmuch about it. Temps OK? light schedule ok?
Usually it is because the plant is concentrating on growing roots, rather than branches or leaves. When you 'top' your plants the plant will in effect 'stop' growing for a while ( a week or 2 ) until all the hormones etc. get used to it. Also whenever you re-pot your plants the same thing can happen. Think of it as stress, the plant must get over the stress of being chopped, or re-potted or whatever. As long as that stress is not fatal you should be all right.
At seven ft. of height ( minus lighting and lamp distance ) you should be able to grow to 4 ft. height if you want to, so you would place it into flower at around 16 inches or so. Although this might not be the wise thing to do as 6 ft. x 2 ft. limits how much you can grow. 3 or 4 large plants or many smaller plants. This is a matter of personal preferance, (many would say that you can get much more, quicker, by growing many smaller in a sog type of grow).
If this is your first grow I would consider maybe 6 plants being placed into flower at around 10 to 12 inches and seeing how they do. Your next grow will build on the knowledge that you have gained from the first grow. Then you can adjust for your particular needs. Note that the pot size is important as well. I've heard it said that a foot of growth per gallon of container size is a good rule of thumb.
6 plants in 3 gal, 3 plants in 5 gal, 12 plants in 1 gal, whatever seems too work best. Don't let them get too big before you put them to flower, as this is a mistake I know from experience. Its nice to have a 8 ft. tree, but not in a 7 ft. room!
check out the threads and articles on SOG type of grows.

Hope this helps