should i start flower? 5 week veg 600 watt

Jamaican Mon'

Well-Known Member
I would trim the lower branches wait a week or two for stress reasons and then switch. Also dont get to concerned yet no body has metioned males. You will probably have at least one so that will open up space. Looks good dude keep it up, i always say cross that bridge when the time comes, and its not quite there yet.


Active Member
I would trim the lower branches wait a week or two for stress reasons and then switch. Also dont get to concerned yet no body has metioned males. You will probably have at least one so that will open up space. Looks good dude keep it up, i always say cross that bridge when the time comes, and its not quite there yet.
they are all clones

and well i just started the flowerin period after a 36 dark time
is it bad if i cut the lower branches now?

and some of my lower braches reach all the way to about the same size as the main cola do i leave those?


can you give them 36hrsof darkness anytime during flowering? in the middle of flowering or a week in? anyone try that?


Well-Known Member
no...the 36 hour darkness period is the time given to the plant before the 12/12 switch...some believe this doesn't stress the plant from getting adjusted to the 12/12 light schedule. Doing this otherwise, intermittently like you asked would cause more unessesary stess to the weed.


Active Member
Hey Jonboy

If you're willing, I have a quick question.

Doin a grow with a friend and he (not me!) forgot to stick our clones in the grow room (where we have one plant on 12-12 now) after 36 hours of dark. So by the time they get 12-12 they will have been in the dark for 60 hours.

Are they f---ed or do you think they'll be OK? I haven't seen them--they're probably fine, but I have no idea about hermaphrodites and all that




Active Member
HI Jonboy --

I posted a query for you a couple days back on the thread "
should i start flower? 5 week veg 600 watt ": which I'll include here. I'm just looking for reassurance that some clones of mine will be OK even though they were left in the dark for a day longer than necessary. Here's the post -- I couldn't figure out how to message you directly, and I apologize for buggin you!

"Hey Jonboy

If you're willing, I have a quick question.

Doin a grow with a friend and he (not me!) forgot to stick our clones in the grow room (where we have one plant on 12-12 now) after 36 hours of dark. So by the time they get 12-12 they will have been in the dark for 60 hours.

Are they f---ed or do you think they'll be OK? I haven't seen them--they're probably fine, but I have no idea about hermaphrodites and all that

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
