should i start to flower?


Active Member
ok i need my plant to be small to meduim size i just cant have a big plant at the moment and some members told me it would be ok to flower right now to get the size i if any other members out there got any advice about when to flower my plant to get the size im looking for please post your advice it will be much helpfull to me as a new grower


Active Member
im not sure what u mean by that but im guessing i shoudnt flower it this early of stage? maybe another week?


Well-Known Member
Unless you have serious time issues and are going to settle for very small yield, let them veg for a while. 3-4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
ok wut are you lookin for???? you can flower if you wish too but let me advise you that the longer you veg the better yield your gonna walk away with...if thats not a biggie and you just want something ASAP then go ahead and switch her to 12/12 but your yield will be very low............:joint:


Active Member
ok thx i guess ill vegg for another 2 weeks or more...also i have another question some one might be able to answer for me, ok when is the best growth stage to take some clones frome the plant?


Well-Known Member
You definately need to veg a few more weeks. Figure out how much height you have to grow. Then figure your plant will grow 2-3 times as large when flowering as it was in veg. That is what you should be making your decsion off of. Remember the longer you veg the more bud you will produce in the end typicaly.