Should I Start Trimming Fan Leaves and Foliage?


Well-Known Member
Should I Start Trimming Fan Leaves and Foliage?
Will direct light on flowering areas help growth and development or do I still the fan leaves and foliage for that?\
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Active Member
Thats right, Fan leaves create starches and sugars that make buds. If the leaf isn"t falling off on it's own leave it on if it is blocking a bud you can pull or even tie things back to allow light.


Active Member
the only time you should cut off fan leaves is when the bud is ready to harvest. then you trim all your buds and some people like to leave it in darkness for a few days but to me thats just a few extra days you need to wait until you can smoke it :mrgreen:
I made the ammature mistake of removing to many leaves. id see a bit of brown here n there or think its blocking to much of the lower area and id remove it. i paid in the end for my mistake and will never remove another leave. theyre plants and if they dont want a leaf it will drop it when it dies. leaves equal better yeild. learn from my mistake and others advice leave the leaves alone, let nature take its course. We already imitate lots of the factors.
