should i stay or move?


Well-Known Member
i love growin weed, have for a while now, like most of you i wanna go big, and like alot of you i have been making the preparations and practicing my skills. im not ready to move yet. im about to make another purchase of a 4x4 and another 600w so ill have 4x8 growing area with 1200w right now. i plan on runnin perpetual and cropping evey month so saving money and getting all my gear will not be a issue.

currently im not in the legal most of states although the laws are pretty lax till u get up past the 5+lb part. if id move it would be more about the culture lifestyle and climate, but i would also like to grow full time.

the gear i will be saving to purchase in the next 2-3 months will be 4 more 600s, so i can run 2 4x8 spots will 1800w a piece and t5s for veg, ill be growing in tents to start out since i will most likely be in something rented and for my security deposit/future landlord reccomendation i would like something that is friendly to the room i am in so i am not drilling in ceilings. i will also get a portable a/c unit and all the ventilation, filter, ect.....i plan on spending between 3-5k on this. ill still be all organic though, idc about hydro yields, i tried it once, i like organic and i like my finished product, as does everyone else that has tried it.

with all that being said i have my plans laid out, i have scouted places in california and colorado as well as oregon and washinton. so far all 3 of those places are up for grabs.

could i make something of myself doing what i love rather than going to work every fuckin night on 3rd shift to do shit i hate. ill prob get a part time job somewhere but nothing too serious, ill pretty much be depending on weed money

if i move it will only be me and currently i dont hang out with alot of people cuz i grow. it doesnt bother me but i would like to be part of kindof a pot community with some good people, although im always scared abotu rippers/jackers.

is this another wanna be dream, or with proper execution could it work? target move date 08 to 10 of 2012

also if im too low in watts to make decent money ive considered starting out with 6 1ks and my 2 600s for veg

shit im rambling, but ive been searching for guidance, everyone ive told about this has beeen like man you have to do it your so good and you could definately do it for a living. one of my friends is from cali and says my shit is just as good and better for cali medical


New Member
I dunno man. Moving is expensive. On top of that, I'm pretty sure the dispensaries pay the growers peanuts compared to what they make off it. You'd have to grow a lot of weed to make a decent living.

I suggest you get a nice retail job, grow, meet some people at work and weigh shit out for people on your breaks in your car. You'll make a lot more money getting your own customers who mostly buy dimes, quaches, and halfs then you would selling in mass quantities to dispensaries.


Well-Known Member
the thing is i wanna make a living and be pretty low key. im not a quarter and dime kinda guy, even now i dont deal less than a oz. just not worth it to me. and i know the dispensaries arent payin much as much as id fetch here, but there i could get away with more and be mostly legal... my goal would be at least 3 lb a month once im set up and have selected my strains...

i dont charge a arm and a leg for my shit, it could go for much more but im not greedy, 320 an oz is very reasonable for where i live. some people charge 75$ a 8th for my shit, maybe i should charge more lol...


Active Member
haven't been around riu in a minute but I just logged in to gain motivation and inspiration for Ive started my third grow last week... idk if I'm just exhausted or blazed but that sounds like a pretty dope plan to me. your question about moving hits home with me because it's something I've personally been contemplating for the last six months or so. I have dreams and aspirations along lines of culinary and beautiful weather so I'm definitely itching to move out west. I'm never one to troll and tell people they are "fucking retarded" and I feel like that gets said a lot around here, sometimes deserved sometimes not really.. someone just wants to swing their dick around and sound smart. I won't front like I know a lot on the technical side of X set up generating Y amount of income subtracted by your Z investment... but when you are talking about moving and changing your life it's all about following your heart. yeah, you need to be smart about it.. but if you're heart's in it then you will make suuuumthin work. do something that you can be proud of man, don't keep wondering. best of luck and be careful out there
I think yOu have a well thought out idea for yourself. You always want to expect for the worst. I guess if you have a GOOD amount of savings besides all your moving expenses. Why not. Do u know anyone in these states u can rely on for support if you were to need any?


Well-Known Member
No and that's one of the only things I'm nervous about is the lack of connects. Not rly lack of connects but not knowing any people I can really trust to do business with...I wouldnt know anyone...