Should I super crop my outdoor plants?


Well-Known Member
I've used Supercropping successfully, but much prefer LST.

Think of your plant at high noon with the sun directly overhead.

If you increase the size of your plant's shadow, your yield will increase as well.

A tall plant shades much of its own leaves throughout the day.

By spreading the branches out you reduce the shading, giving your plant more direct sunlight, throughout the day.

An early start at LST reduces or eliminates the need for Supercropping.

Great Advice!!


Well-Known Member
You did the right thing, weed is not something to die over... don't wanna risk it

But back on topic, LST is better since no stress recovery period unlike supercropping


Well-Known Member
I have had positive results with super croping but its important to keep in mind that it does stunt growth a little but it will make the plant stronger and more resistant to the elements. I prefer lst myself, though.


Active Member
well its already 7ft i checked it today, its starting to branch out, i shouldnt of cut that small tree down maybe the sun of a bitch wouldnt be so damn big,

yeah, i no i hate fuckn dope fiends,
what happend was he was geekn on crack and drinkin,which is about the worst u can be.,
and damn he mistaked the situation, i tlked to him just 2 days ago right after my post,
he called me from the hospital and appologized cause me and him have none each other since i was 12,long time ago,

but damn big ass black dude came up with him and was like wats up this and that(being to friendly) so i was alerted then and he was like u got the money?- yea, here- he came back with the bag i looked at it ,(was sapose to b kush but was a 20 of some midys)
but i excepted cause my girl was coming over, then black dude was like so you got 10$ to look out? i said i ant got no more money, looked to my right bam i was on the ground got hit with a super fuckin punch, first thing i did was grab my nife oout my pocket and started stabing him in his ribs with a side arm swinging motion, himm was tryin to get away and i noticed black dude was picking my weed off the ground puttin it back in the bag, at that point i said fk the weed i wont this mother fucker, black dude got in the car and waited while i had my old friend on the ground punching and stabin his ass, all u could here were moannnss and uhhhh, then black dude said i gotta gun, so i got up put my hands up u no i didnt want to get shot, my old friend got up and tried to take a cuppple haymakers and i weeved and backed up then his dumb ass turned hiis back to me walking torwasds tha car so i took it apon my self to drop kick his back, which probably hurt me worse then him, then he got in the car and i walked up to the car and said let me get my bag he said u got 10? nope , then my old friend asked were his clothes were,(his homeless and we were still cool so i said he could keep um in my closet, he was coming to pick them up at the same time as i was geting my bag) i told him at the topp of the neighborhood and the other black dudes in the car(2) was like white boy gots heart, i said no mother fucker white boy will kill your ass, and walked away, then my phone went dead and i could find my girl, about an hour later i head home and shes there,lol...fucked her 3 times that night =), now i borke up with her and shes sayin i raped pigs got two ass holes

will damn, i hope it has big yeild im using heavy harvast which to me is perfect, cause only thing i do is water once a week when it hasnt rained,
drop it in there and bam...


Active Member
Well damn personally thats some og shit right there stabbin some mother fucker, his retarded ass im sure regrets jackin someone for a 20 sack, but you doin the same thing you gotta know your shit is comin to you for real, if it hasn't already. The only thing i did to this dipshit who jacked me was send him a text message telling him that my mom just killed her self and that i was going to throw a molitov cocktail through his front door if he didnt bring me the $2,000 worth of shit he stole from me, which he didnt of course but I for some reason think that really fucked with they're heads a lil bit, considering they never really could get a clear picture if i was serious or not.

As for super cropping i can see why its not really necessary when you have plenty of space, you can just LST instead and bring as much light as possible to branches, I guess if you would rather have your buds all the same size then you might super crop or sea of green but your plants. What ever i do though from now on I'm going to lolli pop the shit out of my plants, and get rid of all that bull shit on the bottom, such an interesting concept of how energy can be transferred from the bottom to the top of the plant, unlike a human or mamal which would just die or become less productive. Happy Birthday to me


Active Member
I would have to say I'm very surprised at some of the responses in here. I've used the clip pistils whenever they are new to create a new node, slightly break them once a week on the outside branches, use double paper clips wrapped in green electrical tape and twist ties to hold the branches I just cracked in place as good or better than they were. When they repair themselves there will be a huge knuckle and when the next CROTCH or pistils (where the bud forms) appears, you clip them again. Right now I have one plant that has 12 major stems and will have 24 top cola buds right now. Because of my break and repair routine the bottom branches are starting to look like they are becoming wood. I could take a whole flat of cloners of here (which I usually do) . What I did last year was in late October about two weeks before the pull, I clipped cloners ( 8 total ) at the node where they had cleanly grown into 4 stalks! Since I had a huge knuckle at the bottom, I dipped the whole knuckle in Root Tone and then put them deep into waiting peat moss containers. After 2 weeks I had a massive spaghetti ball of roots coming out of the bottom in which I transplanted them into the permanent 8 inch nets filled 1/4 with hydroton, then place my cloner BUSH and it's huge ball of roots in the netpot, then fill the rest of the net with hydroton and then turn on the 4 aerotors inside each 5 gallon DWC bucket. I use the same method of clipping indoors as I do outdoors.. My last indoor crop had 8 plants also using two 1,000 wat HPS / MH lights with all 8 plants in a hydroton medium, I had extra buckets so I could rotate out each plant into a fresh and clean bucket with fresh ADVANCED NUTRIENTS only always keeping my grow room spotless and all my buckets having the perfect PH. Its pretty simple if every day during the week you get one fresh bucket ready to swap, except Sunday 2 buckets, this way on each swap I can trim some of the roots because If I let the roots go for a month half the bucket will be full of a root ball that has all the aerators so wrapped and packed that you have to tear or cut them out. I find it easier just to trim them when I swap out for a clean fresh bucket. Using my clipping / trimming method I had 8 plants that were so big I had to literally get 2 foot high thin gauge chicken wire and wrap each plant just to keep to be able to keep the colas in an upward position. Or else everything on the sides was flopping over. After the plants flower and are about 1/4 of the way into budding I go through and trim all but a handful of the leaves off. Now I just have massive bushes with big fat colas getting all the light growing huge. I use a very light advanced nutrients budding solution and then flush for the last three weeks. I grossed 6 pounds of this last crop having lost out on one entire plant that I promised to the guy who borrowed me the money to start the room. So whoever is telling people the bend and clip method isn't worth it doesn't know what they are talking about. Unless your doing a sea of green with the nets going across the room and your good to use a strain that auto flowers in a very short period I wouldn't trim for bushes because with that method your going to have a finished crop of huge colas every ninety days. I let my indoor crops go for 120 days giving me all that extra veg time. Plus I've noticed that when I use my hydroponics nutrients on plants growing outdoors in 100% organic soil that they seem to grow almost as good as when they are set up in hydroton indoors. Just thought I would throw in my experiences. 6-7 lbs because of my trimming method as compared to maybe 1lb if I just let them grow up to have the one big cola seems like a much better yield to me.