Should I switch my lights to flower?


Active Member
Okay so I have three plants that are doing good and one small plant not doing so well...How do I know when its time to switch my lights to 12/12? I will be moving them to 5 gal pots tomorow...I can post pictures if it would help. I am currently about 3-3 1/2 weeks from sprout under a 400watt MH and I will be flowering under 400watt HPS. Also I have never trimmed anything off my plants because im not sure what im supposed to clip, should I be trimming my plants before I flower? Thanks guys!


Active Member
It's week 7 for me (2 days until week 8 from seed) I was going to flip at week 8 but I dunno I might let my "ladies" go 10 weeks and wait for some pre-flowers.. I'm seeing signs of developing sex but still to early to tell. It's different for everyone, IMO I wouldn't flip before 8 weeks. but that depends on your needs... GL



Well-Known Member
It depends on strain, and the amount of headroom you have. Meaning from the top of your growing medium to a few inches from the light. That is headroom. I don't have a whole lot so I don't veg more than 4 weeks usually. SCROG really helps with that as you can see from the picture.


Active Member
I'm a newb as far as indoor growing, so my plants dont look near as beautiful as the other pics posted lol. Here are a few pics of what I have going right now...Is there any way to tell sex yet? and does anyone know why the one plant of mine is so small and droopy???



Well-Known Member
The small one looks overwatered. IMO I wouldn't worry about training techniques for your first grow. Best to understand the plant and what it's telling you. The close up pictures of the nodes. That's secondary growth. It's still too early to tell sex. Sex doesn't show in a veg plant until it's fully mature which is 6-8 weeks of veg. In flower it will show sex 5-10 days after flip to 12/12


Active Member
Okay, Is there any way to tell sex yet? I grew my last for like 3 months outdoor only to find it was male, so im really hoping atleast 1 of these will be female for me haha Thanks for the help man


Well-Known Member
Can't really help you there. I haven't grown in soil in years. If I remember right every gallon = 1ft of growth... So if you want 5ft tall plants grow in 5 gal buckets.