Should i tattoo myself?

Doobie Doober

Active Member
Well i was thinking of tattooing a pot leaf on my heart, but i have herd that unproper sanitation can give you blood disorders that will make you get your limbs amputated. But what i dont understand is wouldn't it be the same as getting cut by a nail or something? Every time i get cut i dont get anything.


just be clean about it. i have a friend who tats himself all the time he is an aspiring tattoo artist tho, but he uses a prison gun he made and he has no problem just be clean and sanitary

Doobie Doober

Active Member
yea i think ill do it, ill post pics when i get enough balls in a day or so. But how come emo people dont get any blood disorders?

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
If your still young and dumb....I mean very little in your travels, I would not think about tattoos. They are permanent and your young ideas are not.
I am old and have been inked. I like ink, but not overboard about it. Not a chance in hell I would get pot anything tattooed on me. For the only reason that if you ever get arrested, all scars and tattoos are documented. I know, I used to be a jailer. Just like gang signs, once known you are branded in the eyes of LEO.

Doobie Doober

Active Member
If your still young and dumb....I mean very little in your travels, I would not think about tattoos. They are permanent and your young ideas are not.
I am old and have been inked. I like ink, but not overboard about it. Not a chance in hell I would get pot anything tattooed on me. For the only reason that if you ever get arrested, all scars and tattoos are documented. I know, I used to be a jailer. Just like gang signs, once known you are branded in the eyes of LEO.
So does this mean i should get a crack pipe tattooed on my chest?

Doobie Doober

Active Member
i dont understand how one could change there name and why would one change there name. If it is possible to change names then i wanna change mine.

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
Its called making a new account.

Why would he do that? cause he was annoying posting a bunch of shit no one cared about.. Acting like a 16 year old craving attention.

Doobie Doober

Active Member
i understand that some of my posts are stupid as a result of adhd with nothing to do, but why would he make a new account to do the same thing? And its not like your the robot chicken being forced to read and respond to them. As a stoner i think of random shit, as a person with adhd i fell the need to do somthing with this random shit laying around. So i post random ass threads about random ass shit that pops up in my goddamn stoner mind. Im sorry if my shitty thought are to shitty for you mind. Ill try to keep more of my shitty ideas to my self. School statin back up in a day so you wont have to listen to my shitty ass ideas till 4 pm or so, but only after 4:20, cause that is when i smoke more weed to get more shitty ass ideas. Understand now? Good, i guess ill just write my shitty ass ideas in microsoft notepad for now on because i lost the key code to microsoft word.