Should I throw these Afghan Kush Ryders Away? Please help, beyond dissapointed


Well-Known Member
calm down and quit expecting to be instantly gratified. It takes time and patience to grow good bud. It doesn't happen exactly when you want it too all the time.
This is why I'm tired of autoflowering strains already. People can't take the time to sit back and do it right, so they would rather smoke ruderalis.

Don't throw them away. Just wait and see what happenes with them.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but bro you gotta understand im broke as hell supporting myself and I dont smoke to get high, I smoke for medicinal purposes, im on my 5th surgery. All of the autoflower threads I see by day 24 from soil 21 from sprout they should DEFINANTLY be budding by now. Im just nervous and wondering what to do...maybe someone can help and actually answer my question instead of criticizing me?
I did answer your question. Ok, you're broke. You smoke for medical reasons apparently. If you pull it, you're going to be back to square 1. It hasn't started flowering as quickly as you wanted it to, but I'm willing to bet that if you give it time it will. Pulling it is going to set you back either way.

Females show later than males. So, it's probably a female that is taking her time getting started. You're just now past 3 weeks. Relax, it will be fine.

I've noticed that they actually take longer than prescribed


How far away are your fluro's and HPS from the plant? Im not sure about HPS cause im a CFL grower but i believe that if its more than 1-2ft away then it will loose alot of essential lumens (HPS growers correct me if im wrong). Try putting your plants closer to the lights but putting boxes under them. But beware don't put them too close as they will burn so check on them everyday and adjust if needed.

There may also be something else because if you had these 2 AND 2 AK47's going slow then it might be a problem your doing. Perhaps your overwatering or underwatering. A good thing to do is to stick your finger 1 inch into the pot and if its moist leave it for the night. I imagine a huge problem with HPS growers is the heat of the light drys the top of the soil but low down where the roots are is still moist so people water it thinking its dry and drown the plant.

Hope i helped =]


Well-Known Member
newbs are funny. If your smoking for medical reasons, then your still smoking to get high bro, and to solve your internal problems like we all do as well. Regardless your still gonna be payin lower rates for that bud then from the club


Well-Known Member
every auto i had started poppin out pistols real small.. they all got about 10x bigger.. around 20 grams


Well-Known Member
If you are really determined to get these guys going, you need to post ALL the specifics of your grow. watering, lighting, high low temps, ph, soil, newts, air flow.... if you aren't monitoring these things, well that's why they are growing slow. GL with the grow, they do look really healthy for being small.


Well-Known Member
yeh in my opinion the autos grow to about that size start flowering and then go crazy try not to ver water and check your ph oh and how if you have fleuros put em as close as possible without burning em bout 2-3 maybe 4 inches off the tops